我正在寻找OpenShift V3和V2之间的主要区别.OpenShift V2是否像这样工作?: https://www.openshift.com/walkthrough/how -工作原理Docker和Kubernetes在V3中如何工作?
I'm searching for a main difference between OpenShift V3 and V2.Is OpenShift V2 working like this?: https://www.openshift.com/walkthrough/how-it-worksAnd how are Docker and Kubernetes working in V3?
有人可以给我关于OpenShift V2和V3的详细说明吗
Can someone give me a clear explanation about the build-up of OpenShift V2 and V3
This is a rather broadly asked question, so I will (and can) answer only in a rather broad manner.
许多关键概念已经改变.这些是最重要的,您将需要一些时间来熟悉它,但是它们是OpenShift v2的一项重大改进.
There are a lot of key concepts that have changed. These are the most important ones and you'll need some time to get into it, but they are a big improvement to OpenShift v2.:
- 墨盒与Docker容器
- 齿轮vs. Kubernetes豆荚
- 经纪人vs. Kubernetes Master
- 发布红帽企业Linux原子主持人
- Cartridges vs. Docker Containers
- Gears vs. Kubernetes Pods
- Broker vs. Kubernetes Master
- Release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux AtomicHost
当您研究以下链接时,您将了解,(实际上是夸张的)OpenShift v3与v2无关,除了名称,徽标和PaaS焦点之外.但这仍然是一个很好的工具,IMO已在PaaS世界中设定了新的标准. (不,我不为RedHat工作;)
When you'll study the links below you will understand, that (really exaggerated) OpenShift v3 has basically nothing to do with v2 besides the name, the logo and the PaaS focus. But it's still a great tool and IMO has set new standards in the PaaS-world. (No, I don't work for RedHat ;)
https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.0/whats_new/overview.html https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/3.0/architecture/overview.html
For starters; Docker & Kubernetes:
https://blog.openshift .com/openshift-v3-platform-combines-docker-kubernetes-atomic-and-more/
编辑2016_06_30:很抱歉取消这个旧帖子,但我想添加关于Kubernetes的这个快速,有趣且非常有用的视频: https://youtu.be/4ht22ReBjno
EDIT 2016_06_30:Sorry for necro'ing this old post, but I wanted to add this quick, fun and very informative video about Kubernetes: https://youtu.be/4ht22ReBjno
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