本文介绍了如何使PHP的HTTP状态code至500中的任何​​错误情况时自动? (包括那些不能由用户来处理)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我运行的Apache 2.2.15和PHP 5.3.2,display_errors设置禁用,display_startup_errors禁用log_errors启用。

I am running Apache 2.2.15 with PHP 5.3.2, 'display_errors' disabled, 'display_startup_errors' disabled, 'log_errors' enabled.

在我的设置(所以我认为这是一个规范),PHP中止致命的错误,这是很好的,而设置HTTP状态code至500 的。致命错误包括E_ERROR,E_PARSE,E_CORE_ERROR,E_COMPILE_ERROR,E_USER_ERROR和可能,E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR(不能触发它自己,所以不能轻易查个究竟)。我认为这是一个好主意,它并设置code至500,因为我觉得这是应该做的正确的事情 - 很明显,如果你的脚本包含语法错误和/或不能做什么是应该在运行时做,它是一个服务器错误,如果我们考虑服务器的PHP的一部分。

At my setup (so I consider it a norm), PHP aborts on fatal errors, which is good, and sets HTTP status code to 500. Fatal errors include E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_USER_ERROR and, probably, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR (cannot trigger it myself, so can't easily check what happens). I think it is a good idea that it does set the code to 500, because I think it is the right thing to do - obviously if your script contains syntax errors and/or fails to do what is supposed to do at runtime, it is a server error, if we consider PHP part of the server.


反正我现在已经安装了XDebug跟踪误差更好,但我可以看到,现在,无论错误,即使该脚本之前中止的致命错误的 HTTP状态code是永远200 的。这打破了我的客户端通过HTTP'谈判'到Apache / PHP:|

Anyway, I have now installed XDebug to track errors better, but I can see that now, no matter the error, even though the script aborts as before on fatal errors, the HTTP status code is always 200. This breaks my client that 'talks' to Apache/PHP via HTTP :|

此外,display_errors设置为开/ 1,使得PHP不再设置HTTP状态code至500和展品完全一样的行为与上述XDebug的。

Also, setting display_errors to On/1, makes PHP no longer set HTTP status code to 500 and exhibits exactly the same behavior as with XDebug above.


I am very much dependent on reliable status code behavior here, and this all leads me to believe it's some kind of fluke or random like weather.. or am I missing something?



There is a blog post which oulines the issue:http://talideon.com/weblog/2008/02/php-errors.cfm


For my part, I have disabled XDebug, seeing as it is what causes the bad behavior in the first place. I only used it for stack tracing anyway, and now use a custom error handler for that instead. Also, the linked article is from 2008, apparently PHP does set HTTP status code to 500 automatically these days. It does so here. Without XDebug, of course.



I assume you are using a custom error handler to emit the 500.


I don't know XDebug that well, but according to this article, it registers its own error handler, probably overriding yours in the process:



However, for production use, you are not going to activate XDebug anyway, are you?


As for why a 200 is output when you activate display_errors(), that I don't understand. Can you post your custom error handler function to look at?

这篇关于如何使PHP的HTTP状态code至500中的任何​​错误情况时自动? (包括那些不能由用户来处理)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-07 02:48