Does anyone know if there's a way to stick a custom button on the camera view to allow a user to select a photo from their library like oink or instagram does without making a custom view? Thanks!
Adding the button seems easy with the overlay; does anyone know how to actually display the photo library from there and use what the person selects?
From the documentation for UIImagePickerController:
您为照片库按钮选择的代理也应该可以访问UIImagePickerController。然后,当按下相册的按钮时,您可以在UIImagePickerController上调用presentModalViewController:animated:(或presentViewController:animated:completion:如果您要定位iOS 5及以上版本),传入一个新的UIImagePickerController,将sourceType设置为UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary。
The delegate you choose for your photo library button should also have access to the UIImagePickerController. Then, when the button is pressed for photo album, you can call presentModalViewController:animated: (or presentViewController:animated:completion: if you are targeting iOS 5 and up) on the UIImagePickerController, passing in a new UIImagePickerController with sourceType set to UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary.
I've handled this issue in two other ways: 1st, just use a UIActionSheet to prompt the user prior to showing the image picker; 2nd, host the pickers in a tab controller or other container controller.