所以我有一些使用Java 8流的代码,它可以工作。它完全符合我的需要,而且它清晰可读(函数编程很少见)。在子程序结束时,代码在自定义对类型的列表上运行:
So I have some code using Java 8 streams, and it works. It does exactly what I need it to do, and it's legible (a rarity for functional programming). Towards the end of a subroutine, the code runs over a List of a custom pair type:
// All names Hungarian-Notation-ized for SO reading
class AFooAndABarWalkIntoABar
public int foo_int;
public BarClass bar_object;
List<AFooAndABarWalkIntoABar> results = ....;
The data here must be passed into other parts of the program as arrays, so they get copied out:
// extract either a foo or a bar from each "foo-and-bar" (fab)
int[] foo_array = results.stream()
.mapToInt (fab -> fab.foo_int)
BarClass[] bar_array = results.stream()
.map (fab -> fab.bar_object)
And done. Now each array can go do its thing.
Except... that loop over the List twice bothers me in my soul. And if we ever need to track more information, they're likely going to add a third field, and then have to make a third pass to turn the 3-tuple into three arrays, etc. So I'm fooling around with trying to do it in a single pass.
Allocating the data structures is trivial, but maintaining an index for use by the Consumer seems hideous:
int[] foo_array = new int[results.size()];
BarClass[] bar_array = new BarClass[results.size()];
// the trick is providing a stateful iterator across the array:
// - can't just use 'int', it's not effectively final
// - an actual 'final int' would be hilariously wrong
// - "all problems can be solved with a level of indirection"
class Indirection { int iterating = 0; }
final Indirection sigh = new Indirection();
// equivalent possibility is
// final int[] disgusting = new int[]{ 0 };
// and then access disgusting[0] inside the lambda
// wash your hands after typing that code
results.stream().forEach (fab -> {
foo_array[sigh.iterating] = fab.foo_int;
bar_array[sigh.iterating] = fab.bar_object;
This produces identical arrays as the existing solution using multiple stream loops. And it does so in about half the time, go figure. But the iterator indirection tricks seem so unspeakably ugly, and of course preclude any possibility of populating the arrays in parallel.
使用一对 ArrayList
实例,使用适当的容量创建,将让Consumer代码只为每个实例调用 add
,而不需要外部迭代器。但是ArrayList的 toArray(T [])
Using a pair of ArrayList
instances, created with appropriate capacity, would let the Consumer code simply call add
for each instance, and no external iterator needed. But ArrayList's toArray(T[])
has to perform a copy of the storage array again, and in the int case there's boxing/unboxing on top of that.
/ map
,但只能从井,列表#get 存在,技术上。例如,如果上面的结果集合是LinkedList,那么使用非连续索引调用O(n)
(edit: The answers to the "possible duplicate" question all talk about only maintaining the indices in a stream, and using direct array indexing to get to the actual data during
calls, along with a note that it doesn't really work if the data isn't accessible by direct index. While this question has a List
and is "directly indexable" only from a viewpoint of "well, List#get
exists, technically". If the results collection above is a LinkedList, for example, then calling an O(n) get
N times with nonconsecutive index would be... bad.)
Are there other, better, possibilities that I'm missing? I thought a custom
might do it, but I can't figure out how to maintain the state there either and never even got as far as scratch code.
由于流的大小已知,因此没有理由再次重新发明轮子。最简单的解决方案通常是最好的解决方案。您展示的第二种方法几乎就是 - 只需使用
作为数组索引,您将实现目标 - 单次传递数据,以及可能的parralel流执行(由于 AtomicInteger
As the size of stream is known, there is no reason of reinventing the wheel again. The simplest solution is usually the best one. The second approach you have shown is nearly there - just use
as array index and you will achieve your goal - single pass over data, and possible parralel stream execution ( due to AtomicInteger
AtomicInteger index=new AtomicInteger()
results.parallelStream().forEach (fab -> {
int idx=index.getAndIncrement();
foo_array[idx] = fab.foo_int;
bar_array[idx] = fab.bar_object;
Thread safe for parralel execution. One iteratio over whole collection
这篇关于Java 8:从Stream< Pair>中提取一对数组。的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!