I'm logging statistics of the gamers in my community. For both their online and in-game states I'm registering when they "begin" and when they "end". In order to show the most active day and hour of the day I'd like to use an SQL statement that measures the most active moments based on the "begin" and "end" datetime values.
查看 SQL-从数据库中选择最活跃"的时间我可以看到相似之处,但还需要包括开始时间和结束时间之间的时刻.
Looking at SQL - select most 'active' time from db I can see similarities, but I need to also include the moments between the start and end time.
Perhaps the easiest way is to write a cron that does the calculations, but I hope this question might teach me how to address this issue in SQL instead.
I've been searching for an SQL statement that allows to create a datetime period and use that to substract single hours and days. But to no avail.
As I'm thinking more about this, I'm wondering whether it might be wise to run 24 queries based on each hour of the day (for most active hour) and several queries for the most active day. But that seems like a waste of performance. But this solution might make a query possible like:
SELECT COUNT(`userID`), DATE_FORMAT("%H",started) AS starthour,
DATE_FORMAT("%H",ended) AS endhour
FROM gameactivity
WHERE starthour >= $hour
AND endhour <= $hour GROUP BY `userID`
($ hour是出于示例目的而添加的,当然我使用的是PDO.列也仅出于示例目的,无论您认为哪种方式都易于理解,因为对于我来说,开始和结束都是可以的)
($hour is added for example purposes, of course I'm using PDO. Columns are also just for example purposes, whatever you think is easy for you to use in explaining that is identifiable as start and end is ok with me)
其他信息; PHP 5.5以上版本,PDO,MySQL 5以上版本游戏中的表格布局为:游戏活动:活动ID,用户ID,游戏ID,开始,结束
Additional information; PHP 5.5+, PDO, MySQL 5+Table layout for ingame would be: gameactivity: activityid, userid, gameid, started, ended
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `steamonlineactivity` (
`activityID` int(13) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`userID` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`online` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`offline` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`activityID`)
If I understood your requirements correctly, if this graph represents user activity:
12/1 12/2 12/3 12/4 ...
Hour 0 xx x x xx
1 x xx xx
2 xxx x x xx
3 x x
4 x x
5 x x
6 x
您想知道02:00是一天中平均活动量最高的时间(行数为7 x
),而12/4是最活跃的一天(列数为10 x
You want to know that 02:00 is the time of the day with the highest average activity (a row with 7 x
), and 12/4 was most active day (a column with 10 x
). Note that this doesn't imply that 02:00 of 12/4 was the most active hour ever, as you can see in the example. If this is not what you want please clarify with concrete examples of input and desired result.
- 活动记录可以在一个日期开始,而在下一个日期结束.例如:在线
2013-12-02 23:35
,离线2013-12-03 00:13
. - 没有活动记录的持续时间超过23小时,或者此类记录的数量可以忽略不计.
- An activity record can start on one date and finish on the next one. For instance: online
2013-12-02 23:35
, offline2013-12-03 00:13
. - No activity record has a duration longer than 23 hours, or the number of such records is negligible.
And we need to define what does 'activity' mean. I picked the criteria that were easier to compute in each case. Both can be made more accurate if needed, at the cost of having more complex queries.
- 一天中最活跃的时间是更多活动记录重叠的时间.请注意,如果用户在一小时内多次启动和停止,则将被计为一次以上.
- 最活跃的一天将是一天中任何时候都有更多唯一身份用户活跃的一天.
For the most active time of day we'll use a small auxiliary table holding the 24 possible hours. It can also be generated and joined on the fly with the techniques described in other answers.
CREATE TABLE hour ( hour tinyint not null, primary key(hour) );
INSERT hour (hour)
VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10)
, (11), (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20)
, (21), (22), (23);
Then the following queries give the required results:
SELECT hour, count(*) AS activity
FROM steamonlineactivity, hour
WHERE ( hour BETWEEN hour(online) AND hour(offline)
OR hour(online) BETWEEN hour(offline) AND hour
OR hour(offline) BETWEEN hour AND hour(online) )
ORDER BY activity DESC;
SELECT date, count(DISTINCT userID) AS activity
SELECT userID, date(online) AS date
FROM steamonlineactivity
SELECT userID, date(offline) AS date
FROM steamonlineactivity
) AS x
ORDER BY activity DESC;