本文介绍了如何阻止下载的.NET WebBrowser控件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要prevent的.NET WebBrowser控件无法显示任何你想打开或保存此文件?和另存为对话框。相反,我想显示一个消息框,告诉用户该文件下载是出于安全原因关闭。

I need to prevent the .NET WebBrowser control from showing any "Do you want to open or save this file?" and "Save As" dialogs. Instead, I want to display a message box telling users that file downloads are disabled for security reasons.

我开始与 web浏览器 FileDownload 事件,但它不允许取消。然后,我用的方法<一href="http://www.$c$cproject.com/KB/cpp/ExtendedWebBrowser.aspx?fid=285594&select=2560552">$c$cProject:扩展.NET 2.0 WebBrowser控件在原有基础上COM调用使用接口 DWebBrowserEvents2 来实现我自己的事件。当我按照的Microsoft知识库中相应的条目有关与FileDownload签名一个错误,事件处理程序被调用,我能取消下载。

I started with the FileDownload event of WebBrowser, but it does not allow cancellation. Then, I used the approach from CodeProject: Extended .NET 2.0 WebBrowser Control to implement my own event based on the original COM call using the interface DWebBrowserEvents2. When I fixed the code according to an MS knowledge base entry about a bug with the FileDownload signature, the event handler was called and I was able to cancel the download.

这并不与所有的下载工作,虽然:下载指向包括URL网址的.exe 引发事件,因此可以取消出现的对话框之前 - 但对于其他人(如。做),该事件处理函数不是调用,直到用户点击打开保存取消在对话框中。

This does not work with all downloads, though: download URLs pointing to an URL including .exe raise the event and can be cancelled before the dialog appears - but for others (like .do), the event handler is not called until the user clicks Open, Save or Cancel in the dialog.

一个可能的解决方案可能是拦截 WH_CALLWNDPROCRET 面前的对话框显示给用户,但它听起来像很多努力,我也会preFER一个清洁的解决方案的信息和答案......

A possible solution might be to intercept WH_CALLWNDPROCRET messages and 'answer' the dialog before it is shown to the user, but it sounds like much effort and I also would prefer a cleaner solution...


Does anybody know how to reliably block all downloads?



You could use Navigating event which allows cancellation.


Inside of this event, you could try to connect to URL that's being navigated yourself, inspect http response headers and cancel navigating if inappropriate ContentType is detected.

System.Net.WebRequest request = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(e.Url);

// we need only header part of http response
request.Method = "HEAD";

System.Net.WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();

// only text/html, text/xml, text/plain are allowed... extend as required
if (!response.ContentType.StartsWith("text/"))
  e.Cancel = true;
  MessageBox.Show("Not allowed for security resons...");


Obviously this is not bullet-proof solution but can give you an idea how to get started (if you don't mind extra tiny roundtrip just to retrieve http response headers).


这是不理想的,因为我处理  网络应用程序,其中所述额外  请求可能触发一个动作是  进行两次: - (

This is not ideal, as I'm dealing with web applications where the extra request might trigger an action being carried out twice :-(


Then I would create some simple proxy server that would inspect all received data and would filter out all http responses that could trigger "Save as" dialog in your web-browser control.


Simply, don't let your web-browser control directly access the internet but delegate all http requests to your special proxy server that will filter out all unsafe responses from the web.

这篇关于如何阻止下载的.NET WebBrowser控件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-06 15:03