black上构建linux系统,并掌握了嵌入式linux编程书籍,但是当我在beaglebone black上启动u-boot
时,收到了错误消息:unknown command 'nand' - try 'help'
I'm trying build a linux system on beaglebone
black and following to mastering embedded linux programming book, however when I boot my u-boot
on beaglebone black, I have received a error: unknown command 'nand' - try 'help'
Does anybody have any idea of what did I do wrong or did I miss something?
如果您位于第3章:关于引导程序的全部信息 →U-Boot→使用U-Boot :
- 这不是 NOT 的示例,旨在在BeagleBoneBlack上执行.
- 这是U-Boot命令的通用示例,可能在实际上具有NAND闪存的硬件上运行. BBB没有原始的NAND闪存,它具有一个eMMC和一个micro-SD卡插槽.
- This is NOT an example meant to be executed on a BeagleBoneBlack.
- It is a generic example of a U-Boot command that possibly could work on hardware that actually has NAND flash. The BBB does not have raw NAND flash, it has an eMMC and a micro-SD card slot.
If that's not where you are in the book, please provide chapter information and what you are trying to achieve.
顺便说一句:请注意,本书有勘误表 ,尤其是围绕U-Boot和NAND命令.您可能需要验证它们是否适用于您的转载.
BTW: please also note that there are errata for this book, especially around U-Boot and the NAND commands. You might want to verify if they apply to your reprint.
这篇关于未知命令'nand'-在beaglebone black上尝试'help'的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!