


I'm trying to scrap a webpage & to put the value in cache in order to not hit the daily urlFetch limit.


This is the code I'm using, it works without the Cache & Properties service but not when I try to add that element.

function scrapercache(url) {
  var url = "https://www.gurufocus.com/term/fscore/nyse:ABBV/Piotroski-F-Score";
  var result = [];
    var description;
    var options = {
        'muteHttpExceptions': true,
        'followRedirects': false,
Logger.log('line 16 OK');

var cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
var properties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();
Logger.log('line 21 OK');

  let res = cache.get(url);
//  if(res){
 // return JSON.parse(res)
Logger.log('line 24 OK');

  if (res) {
    // trim url to prevent (rare) errors
    var r = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
    Logger.log('line 34 OK');

    var c = r.getResponseCode();
    Logger.log('line 38 OK');

    // check for meta refresh if 200 ok
    if (c == 200) {
      var html = r.getContentText();
      cache.put(url, "cached", 21600);
      properties.setProperty(url, html);
      Logger.log('line 46 OK');

      var $ = Cheerio.load(html); // make sure this lib is added to your project!
      Logger.log('line 49 OK');

      // meta description
      if ($('meta[name=description]').attr("content")) {
        description = $('meta[name=description]').attr("content").trim();
        var trim_des = description.substr(0, 40);
        Logger.log('line 55 OK');

    Logger.log('line 60 OK');

  return result;
  Logger.log('line 64 OK');




& I get the following error message


I added log lines to see if the script was processing correctly & it looks like it's ok only until like 28



通常通过调用电子表格单元格中的自定义函数返回此错误消息,该电子表格单元格不返回值. 官方文档明确提到了该错误,但错误消息未提供,因此混乱是可以理解的.

This error message is usually returned by calling a custom function in a spreadsheet cell that does not return a value. It is explicitly mentioned by the official docs, but the error message is not provided, so the confusion is understandable.


An empty array is not a valid return value (since there are no elements to return). The error is easily reproducible with the following custom function:

 * @customfunction
function testReferenceError() {
  const list = [];

  return list;


Which, when called in a cell, resulting in the "desired" error:



In your situation, when there is a cached data in cache, the if statement clause evaluates to false (truthy value when negated evaluates to false). When it does, nothing gets pushed to the result, and an empty array is returned in finally (see above for the explanation of consequences). Consider this mock:

const cache = {
  get() {
    return "cached";

let res = cache.get("mock_url");

//ternary operator here acts the same as "if...else":
console.log( !res ? "will enter if block" : "will enter else block" );

最后在return上的注释:如果将return语句放入finally块中,则期望它可以覆盖 trycatch中的return语句.考虑这个示例,它与您的程序的结构非常接近:

Note on return in finally: If you put a return statement into a finally block, expect it to override the return statements in try or catch. Consider this example close to how your program is structured:

const final = (add = false) => {
  const list = [];

  try {
    add && list.push(1);

    return [1,2]; //this return is skipped
  catch(error) {
  finally {
    return list;


console.log( final() );



08-06 14:37