


I want to display several figures with different sizes, making sure that the text has always the same size when the figures are printed. How can I achieve that?


As an example. Let's say I have two figures:

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import matplotlib as mpl

mpl.rc('font', size=10)

fig1 = plt.figure(figsize = (3,1))
plt.title('This is fig1')

mpl.rc('font', size=?)

fig2 = plt.figure(figsize = (20,10))
plt.title('This is fig2')


How can I set the fontsize in such way that when printed the title and axis ticklabels in fig1 will have the same size as those in fig2?



In this case, the font size would be the same (i.e. also 10 points).

但是,在Jupyter Notebook中,如果数字过宽,则数字可能会以不同的大小显示,请参见下文:

However, in Jupyter Notebook the figures may be displayed at a different size if they are too wide, see below:


Note that font size in points has a linear scale, so if you would want the size of the letters to be exactly twice as big, you would need to enter exactly twice the size in points (e.g. 20pt). That way, if you expect to print the second figure at 50% of the original size (length and width, not area), the fonts would be the same size.


But if the only purpose of this script is to make figures to then print, you would do best to set the size as desired (on paper or on screen), and then make the font size equal. You could then paste them in a document at that exact size or ratio and the fonts would indeed be the same size.

tcaswell 所述,bbox_inches='tight'有效地更改了保存图形的大小,因此大小不同从您设置为figsize的位置开始.由于这可能从某些图形中裁剪出比其他图形更多的空白,因此对于给定的宽高比,对象和字体的相对大小最终可能会有所不同.

As noted by tcaswell, bbox_inches='tight' effectively changes the size of the saved figure, so that the size is different from what you set as figsize. As this might crop more whitespaces from some figures than others, the relative sizes of objects and fonts could end up being different for a given aspect ratio.


09-05 13:39