


I have a recursive class, a kind of tree, that has instances of itself as member variables. For example:

template<class T>
class Tree {
  /* Constructors, etc. */
  T m_value;
  Tree<T> *leftChild;
  Tree<T> *rightChild;


If I want to add a method that prints all the values using an in-order traversal, I could do this:

template <class T>
void Tree<T>::printInOrder()
   std::cout << m_value << std::endl;


But what if, for various reasons, I couldn't or didn't want to change Tree's implementation? If the class wasn't recursive, i.e. didn't contain instances of itself, I could just derive from Tree and implement a new method in the derived class. But this approach doesn't work for Tree.

template <class T>
class DerivedClass : public Tree<T> {
  void printInOrder();

template <class T>
void DerivedClass<T>::
   std::cout << this->m_value << std::endl;

leftChild和rightChild是Tree的实例,因此没有printInOrder( ) 方法。

leftChild and rightChild are instances of Tree and thus don't have a printInOrder() method.


Can anyone suggest a way to do this in a modular way without changing Tree's implementation. It's ok to change how it is implemented in general, as long as you don't have to change it whenever you want to extend/derive from the class. I can see a possible way to do it by making the template class T have methods to do the things I want, but that just seems ugly. There must be a better way.


I'm perfectly happy for someone to point out how I've overlooked something obvious. It certainly feels like I have.


The point is not how to implement printInOrder(). That was just an example. The point is how to derive a class so that the children are also the derived class.


节点类型上的模板。 / p>

Template on the node type.

template<typename T, typename NodeType = void> class Tree {
    NodeType node;
    T m_data;
template<typename T> class Tree<void> {
    struct Node {
        Tree<T, void>* left;
        Tree<T, void>* right;
    Node node;
    T m_data;
template<typename T> struct DerivedNode {
     DerivedTree<T>* left;
     DerivedTree<T>* right;
template<typename T> class DerivedTree : public Tree<T, DerivedNode<T>> {
     // now left and right are of type DerivedTree<T>*.

这基于两个不变量-即 Tree< T,NodeT> 为所有 NodeT 提供相同的接口,并且 DerivedTree< T> 继承自 Tree< T,...>

This works based on two invariants- that Tree<T, NodeT> offers the same interface for all NodeT, and that DerivedTree<T> inherits from Tree<T, ...>.

编辑:该死,为了防止递归实例化,这花了很多功夫 Tree< T,NodeType> 的数量。

Damn, that took a lot of effort to prevent recursive instantiation of Tree<T, NodeType>.


09-05 09:11