据我所知,如果是跨域,则无法告诉用户在 iframe
内的内容。我想要做的是跟踪用户是否在 iframe
中完全点击了。我想象一个场景,在 iframe
然后将click事件传递给 div
div iframe
I understand that it is not possible to tell what the user is doing inside an iframe
if it is cross domain. What I would like to do is track if the user clicked at all in the iframe
. I imagine a scenario where there is an invisible div
on top of the iframe
and the the div
will just then pass the click event to the iframe
这样的事情可能吗?如果是,那我该怎么办呢? iframes
Is something like this possible? If it is, then how would I go about it? The iframes
are ads, so I have no control over the tags that are used.
No. All you can do is detect the mouse going into the iframe, and potentially (though not reliably) when it comes back out (ie. trying to work out the difference between the pointer passing over the ad on its way somewhere else versus lingering on the ad).
Nope, there is no way to fake a click event.
By catching the mousedown you'd prevent the original click from getting to the iframe. If you could determine when the mouse button was about to be pressed you could try to get the invisible div out of the way so that the click would go through... but there is also no event that fires just before a mousedown.
You could try to guess, for example by looking to see if the pointer has come to rest, guessing a click might be about to come. But it's totally unreliable, and if you fail you've just lost yourself a click-through.