I have been looking into how to add unit testing coverage to a large, existing codebase written in PHP. Many functions in both static and instantiable classes make a call to a library or instantiate an object in order to obtain connections to memcache and the database. They typically look something like this:
public function getSomeData() {
$key = "SomeMemcacheKey";
$cache = get_memcache();
$results = $cache->get($key);
if (!$results) {
$database = new DatabaseObject();
$sql = "SELECT * from someDatabase.someTable";
$results = $database->query($sql);
$cache->set($key, $results);
return $results;
My colleagues and I are currently trying to implement coverage via PHPUnit for a few of the new classes we are writing. I have attempted to find a way to create unit tests in an isolated manner for functions in our existing codebase that resemble the pseudo-code above, but have been unsuccessful.
$ objectBeingTested-> attach($ mockObject);
The examples I've seen in the PHPUnit documentation all rely on having some method in the class by which a mock object can be attached to it, such as:$objectBeingTested->attach($mockObject);
I looked at SimpleUnit, and saw the same thing there, the mock objects were being passed into the class via its constructor. This doesn't leave much room for functions which instantiate their own database objects.
Is there any way to mock out these sorts of calls? Is there another unit testing framework we can use? Or are we going to have to change the patterns we are using in the future in order to facilitate unit testing?
What I'd like to do is be able to swap out an entire class with a mock class when running tests. For instance, the DatabaseObject class could be replaced with a mock class, and any time it's instantiated during a test, it would actually be an instance of the mock version.
There has been talk in my team of refactoring our methods of accessing the database and memcache in new code, perhaps using singletons. I suppose that could help if we were to write the singleton in such a way that its own instance of itself could be replaced with a mock object...
这是我的首先进入单元测试。如果我做错了,请说。 :)
This is my first foray into unit testing. If I'm doing it wrong, please say so. :)
In a perfect world, you'd have the time to refactor all your legacy code to use dependency injection or something similar. But in the real world, you often have to deal the hand you've been dealt.
PHPUnit的作者Sebastian Bergmann写了一个,它允许您使用回调和重命名函数覆盖新运算符。这些将允许你在测试期间猴子补丁你的代码,直到你可以重构它更可测试。非常感谢,使用这个功能写的测试越多,您就可以撤消它。
Sebastian Bergmann, the author of PHPUnit, wrote a test helpers extension that allows you to override the new operator with a callback and rename functions. These will allow you to monkey patch your code during testing until you can refactor it to be more testable. Granted, the more tests you write using this, the more work you'll have undoing it.