我的团队正在设计一种具有微服务体系结构的可伸缩解决方案,并计划将gRPC用作层之间的传输通信.我们已经决定使用异步grpc模型.该示例的设计( greeter_async_server.cc )如果我缩放RPC方法的数量,提供的方法似乎不可行,因为那样我就必须为每个RPC方法创建一个新类,并像这样在HandleRpcs()
中创建它们的对象. Pastebin (简短示例代码).
My team is designing a scalable solution with micro-services architecture and planning to use gRPC as the transport communication between layers. And we've decided to use async grpc model. The design that example(greeter_async_server.cc) provides doesn't seem viable if I scale the number of RPC methods, because then I'll have to create a new class for every RPC method, and create their objects in HandleRpcs()
like this.Pastebin (Short example code).
void HandleRpcs() {
new CallDataForRPC1(&service_, cq_.get());
new CallDataForRPC2(&service_, cq_.get());
new CallDataForRPC3(&service, cq_.get());
// so on...
It'll be hard-coded, all the flexibility will be lost.
我大约有300-400RPC方法要实现,而当我不得不每秒处理超过100K RPC请求时,拥有300-400类将很麻烦且效率低下.非常糟糕的设计.我无法承受在每个单个请求上以这种方式创建对象的开销.有人可以为我提供解决方法吗?异步grpc c++
I've around 300-400RPC methods to implement and having 300-400 classes will be cumbersome and inefficient when I'll have to handle more than 100K RPC requests/sec and this solution is a very bad design. I can't bear the overhead of creation of objects this way on every single request. Can somebody kindly provide me a workaround for this. Can async grpc c++
not be simple like its sync companion?
Edit: In favour of making the situation more clear, and for those who might be struggling to grasp the flow of this async example, I'm writing what I've understood so far, please make me correct if wrong somewhere.
In async grpc, every time we have to bind a unique-tag with the completion-queue so that when we poll, the server can give it back to us when the particular RPC will be hit by the client, and we infer from the returned unique-tag about the type of the call.
service_->RequestRPC2(&ctx_, &request_, &responder_, cq_, cq_,this);
中进行轮询,以查看客户端是否命中RPC,如果是,则cq_->Next(&tag, &OK)
service_->RequestRPC2(&ctx_, &request_, &responder_, cq_, cq_,this);
Here we're using the address of the current object as the unique-tag. This is like registering for our RPC call on the completion queue. Then we poll down in HandleRPCs()
to see if the client hits the RPC, if so then cq_->Next(&tag, &OK)
will fill the tag. The polling code snippet:
while (true) {
GPR_ASSERT(cq_->Next(&tag, &ok));
包含逻辑(例如)RPC1(postgres调用),RPC2(mongodb调用) ), .. 很快.这就像在一个函数中编写所有程序一样.因此,为避免这种情况,我将GenericCallData
类与virtual void Proceed()
Since, the unique-tag that we registered into the queue was the address of the CallData object so we're able to call Proceed()
. This was fine for one RPC with its logic inside Proceed()
. But with more RPCs each time we'll have all of them inside the CallData, then on polling, we'll be calling the only one Proceed()
which will contain logic to (say) RPC1(postgres calls), RPC2(mongodb calls), .. so on. This is like writing all my program inside one function. So, to avoid this, I used a GenericCallData
class with the virtual void Proceed()
and made derived classes out of it, one class per RPC with their own logic inside their own Proceed()
. This is a working solution but I want to avoid writing many classes.
之外,并保留在其自身的功能中,并维护全局std::map<long, std::function</*some params*/>>
Another solution I tried was keeping all RPC-function-logics out of the proceed()
and into their own functions and maintaining a global std::map<long, std::function</*some params*/>>
. So whenever I register an RPC with unique-tag onto the queue, I store its corresponding logic function (which I'll surely hard code into the statement and bind all the parameters required), then the unique-tag as key. On polling, when I get the &tag
I do a lookup in the map for this key and call the corresponding saved function. Now, there's one more hurdle, I'll have to do this inside the function logic:
// pseudo code
void function(reply, responder, context, service)
// register this RPC with another unique tag so to serve new incoming request of the same type on the completion queue
service_->RequestRPC1(/*params*/, new_unique_id);
// now again save this new_unique_id and current function into the map, so when tag will be returned we can do lookup
map.emplace(new_unique_id, function);
// now you're free to do your logic
// do your logic
You see this, code has spread into another module now, and it's per RPC based.Hope it clears the situation.I thought if somebody could have implemented this type of server in a more easy way.
This post is pretty old by now but I have not seen any answer or example regarding this so I will show how I solved it to any other readers. I have around 30 RPC calls and was looking for a way of reducing the footprint when adding and removing RPC calls. It took me some iterations to figure out a good way to solve it.
So my interface for getting RPC requests from my (g)RPC library is a callback interface that the recepiant need to implement. The interface looks like this:
class IRpcRequestHandler
virtual ~IRpcRequestHandler() = default;
virtual void onZigbeeOpenNetworkRequest(const smarthome::ZigbeeOpenNetworkRequest& req,
smarthome::Response& res) = 0;
virtual void onZigbeeTouchlinkDeviceRequest(const smarthome::ZigbeeTouchlinkDeviceRequest& req,
smarthome::Response& res) = 0;
And some code for setting up/register each RPC method after the gRPC server is started:
void ready()
SETUP_SMARTHOME_CALL("ZigbeeOpenNetwork", // Alias that is used for debug messages
smarthome::Command::AsyncService::RequestZigbeeOpenNetwork, // Generated gRPC service method for async.
smarthome::ZigbeeOpenNetworkRequest, // Generated gRPC service request message
smarthome::Response, // Generated gRPC service response message
IRpcRequestHandler::onZigbeeOpenNetworkRequest); // The callback method to call when request has arrived.
This is all that you need to care about when adding and removing RPC methods.
The SETUP_SMARTHOME_CALL is a home-cooked macro which looks like this:
new ServerCallData<REQ, RES>( \
std::bind(&SERVICE, \
&mCommandService, \
std::placeholders::_1, \
std::placeholders::_2, \
std::placeholders::_3, \
std::placeholders::_4, \
std::placeholders::_5, \
std::placeholders::_6), \
mCompletionQueue.get(), \
std::bind(&CALLBACK_FUNC, requestHandler, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2))
我认为ServerCallData类看起来像gRPCs示例中的类,但有一些修改. ServerCallData派生自具有抽象函数void proceed(bool ok)
的非templete类,用于CompletionQueue :: Next()处理.创建ServerCallData时,它将调用SERVICE
I think the ServerCallData class looks like the one from gRPCs examples with a few modifications. ServerCallData is derived from a non-templete class with an abstract function void proceed(bool ok)
for the CompletionQueue::Next() handling. When ServerCallData is created, it will call the SERVICE
method to register itself on the CompletionQueue and on every first proceed(ok)
call, it will clone itself which will register another instance. I can post some sample code for that as well if someone is interested.
这篇关于grpc C ++中的异步模型的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!