


Believe it or not I tried to look for the answer to this question with a simple Google Search but I didn't find anything (Googled with "WebMatrix custom error page", "WebMatrix how to make custom server-side error page", etc.), but perhaps I am not searching with the correct terms...

不管怎样,我只是想知道如果有一种方法(我相信它涉及到的web.config 文件),以显示一个定制的错误页面,而不是 ANY 的服务器端错误页面。

Anyway, I was just wondering if there was a way (I believe it involves the web.config file) to show a custom-made error page instead of ANY server-side error page.

我知道有一种方法与某些页面(如404或500),要做到这一点,但它可能使一个包罗万象的页面,任何服务器端错误? (我想404是行不通的,因为它必须找到你的网站显示的任何自定义页面?)

I know there is a way to do this with some pages (like 404 or 500) but is it possible to make a catch all page for any server-side error? (I guess 404 wouldn't work, since it has to find your site to show any custom page?)


Please forgive me if this is a repeat question, but my lack of knowledge in doing this has possibly left me without the correct search terms to search on, although I have tried searching SE, as well.


以下内容添加到您在web.config文件的<&的System.Web GT; 节点:

Add the following to your web.config file within the <system.web> node:

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Error.cshtml" />


This will redirect the user to Error.cshtml (which you need to create) in the event of any ASP.NET error. You can change the mode value to RemoteOnly during development, so that you can see the actual error message.


If you want a custom 404 page as well, you can do the following:

<customErrors mode="On">
    <error statusCode="500" redirect="~/Error.cshtml" />
    <error statusCode="404" redirect="~/404.cshtml" />


08-22 23:42