我想用 Qt4.8 绘制轮廓文本,但我也想保持字体的原始形状和可见性.目前,轮廓隐藏了文本字符,使它们看起来比原件更薄".
I want to draw outlined texts with Qt4.8, but I also want to keep the original shape and visibility of the font.Currently, the outlines hide the text characters and have them look "thinner" than the originals.
Qt 使用 QPen 绘制文本字符(和其他形状)的轮廓.QPen 在字符的实际边缘移动,并在边缘线的外部和内部绘制(请参阅 QPen 参考中的连接样式").
Qt draws outline of text characters (and other shapes) with QPen.QPen moves on the actual edge of a character and paints outside and inside of the edge line (See "Join Style" in QPen reference).
If you use a thicker pen, a text character looks thinner, while the total area taken by the character increases for the outline.In other words, the outline erodes into the text character.
I want to have text characters keep their original shape and visibility while having "halo effect" from outlining.I.e., I want to paint only the outside of edge lines.
用 Qt 实现这种效果的最简单方法是什么?我想出了一些想法,但我想知道是否有可能.
What is the easiest way to implement such effect with Qt?I came up with a few ideas, but I wonder if any of them is possible.
A 计划
Draw texts with outline, then draw the same texts without outline over the outlined ones.
不幸的是,QTextCursor 不支持过度绘制"或过度打字",而您可以使用经典打字机来实现.也会有性能损失.
Unfortunately, QTextCursor doesn't support "overdrawing" or "overtyping", which you can do with classic typewriters.There would be performance penalty, too.
B 计划
修改Qt库,先用QPen画轮廓,再用QBrush填充.QBrush 将绘制轮廓的内部部分,只保留外部完整.
Modify the Qt library so that it draws outline with QPen first, then fill inside with QBrush. QBrush would paint over the inside part of the outline and leaves only the outside intact.
我不确定它是否有效,如果可能,我想避免修改 Qt 库.
I'm not sure if it works and I want to avoid modifying the Qt library if possible.
C 计划
Switch the "CompositionMode" of the QPainter used for drawing text to "QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationOver" temporarily.
为此,我想我需要控制 Qt 的文本操作小部件(如 QTextBrowser)创建和使用的私有和临时 QPainter,但我不知道如何实现.
To do this, I think I need to control the private and temporary QPainter created and used by Qt's text-manipulation widgets like QTextBrowser, but I don't know how it can be done.
我是 Qt 编程的新手,我在 X 窗口上使用 Qt 4.8.2.
I'm new to Qt programming and I use Qt 4.8.2 on X window.
You can see my problem by adding the following code lines (line 156-164) to /usr/lib64/qt4/examples/richtext/calendar/mainwindow.cpp, compiling and running it, and increasing the font size to 40 or larger.
QTextCharFormat format = cursor.charFormat();
QTextCharFormat boldFormat = format;
// Additional code lines for green outline : line 156
QPen pen;
// The end of the additional code : line 164
If you can tell me the way to go and give me the initial clues, I'll appreciate your help very much.
我找到了一种方法,如何为 QGraphicsView
文本对象做这样的大纲.我认为,您可以将它用于任何基于 QTextDocument
)的类.我创建了一个基于 QGraphicsTextItem
的类并重新实现了它的 paint
I've found a way, how to do such outlining for QGraphicsView
text objects. I think, you can use it for any class based on QTextDocument
, for example). I've created a class based on QGraphicsTextItem
and reimplemented its paint
void paint (QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem * option, QWidget * widget)
{ QTextCharFormat format;
format.setTextOutline (QPen (Qt::white, 3, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin)); // Color and width of outline
QTextCursor cursor (this->document());
cursor.select (QTextCursor::Document);
cursor.mergeCharFormat (format);
QGraphicsTextItem::paint (painter, option, widget);
format.setTextOutline (QPen (Qt::transparent));
cursor.mergeCharFormat (format);
QGraphicsTextItem::paint (painter, option, widget);
我注意到此解决方案的唯一错误 - 当您编辑文本并开始选择一些字母时,会发生剪切.但这几乎是不可察觉的.对于不可编辑的项目,我找不到任何错误.
The only bug I've noticed for this solution - when you edit text and start selecting some letters, clipping occurs. But it's almost unnoticeable. For non-editable items I can't find any bugs.
create QPainterPath
- strokePath
But if you want to outline QPushButton
text (for example), then it is trivial (this problem has been discussed many times) - inside reimplemented paintEvent
create QPainterPath
, call path.addText
, then use painter.strokePath
, painter.fillPath
- strokePath
creates outline, and fillPath
fills foreground.
这篇关于没有细化字体的 Qt 轮廓文本的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!