


I have a project with many calculations involving a lot of real world units :

  • 距离;

  • 温度;

  • 流量;

  • ...

  • Distance;
  • Temperature;
  • Flow rate;
  • ...


This project involves complicated and numerous calculation formulas.


That's why I supposed the use of custom types like Temperature, Distance... can be good for code readability. For example:

Temperature x = -55.3;
Meter y = 3;

var x = new Temperature(-55.3);


I tried to make a Temperature class that uses a double internal value.

public class Temperature
    double _Value = double.NaN;

    public Temperature() { }

    public Temperature(double v) {
        _Value = v;

    public static implicit operator Temperature(double v) {
        return new Temperature(v);


But class are nullable. This mean that something like :

Temperature myTemp;


is "correct" and will be null. I dont want this. I dont want to use structs because they are too limited :

  • 他们不能使用无参数的构造函数,也没有实例字段intializers像双_Value = double.Nan; 来定义默认值(我的魔杖默认标的双重价值是NAN)

  • 他们不能从类继承,他们只能实现接口

  • They cannot use parameterless constructor nor instance field intializers like double _Value = double.Nan; to define a default value (I wand default underlying double value to be NaN)
  • They cannot inherits from classes, they only can implement Interfaces


Them I wonder whether there is a way to tell C#:

Temperature myTemp = 23K; // C# does not implement anything to make K unit...


but I know C# does not handle no custom units.

Temperature myTemp = new Kelvin(23); // This might work

所以,我想我可以创建一个从温度遗传了两个摄氏度和Kelvin类, 。然后我开始这个想法很值得怀疑,因为它涉及到很多的编码和测试的

So I imagine I could create two Celsius and Kelvin classes that inherits from Temperature, and then I started to wonder if the idea really worth it, because it involves a lot of coding and testing.



Would the use of real world units in my code instead of .NET types would be a good thing or not ? Did anyone this already ? What are the pitfalls and the best practices ? Or should I better keep stay away from this and use standard .NET types ?


要实现这一目标是使用一种方法(你的情况温度)的基本目标与专门的基本对象的 TemperatureTraits 类组成。通过类比C ++中,字符串等价类的basic_string 实际上是有模板类模板(在C#条款通用)参数不仅为字符串元素(字符,宽字符)而且可以在类的行为给定类型的字符串元素的阐述一个traits类(如 char_traits )。

One way to achieve this would be to use composition of the basic object (Temperature in your case) with a TemperatureTraits class that specializes the basic object. By analogy to C++, the String equivalent class basic_string is actually a class template (generic in C# terms) that has template parameters not only for the string element (char, wide char) but also a traits class that elaborates on how the class behaves for a given type of string element (e.g. char_traits).


In your case, you might define a generic like

公共类MeasurableWithUnits< M级衡量,U类单位和GT;

然后实施将不仅取决于可测量的类,但也对单位类。如何用这将是在实践中,将取决于有多少这样的对象可以作出真正的通用 - 横渡可测量组合哪些操作是常见的单位

and then implementation would depend not only on the measurable class but also on the units class. How useful this would be in practice would depend on how much of such an object could be made truly generic - what operations are common across combinations of Measurable and Units?


There is a research paper on C# traits here, if this approach looks interesting.


08-04 03:01