本文介绍了如果未安装 Chromecast 扩展程序或使用隐身模式,则 Google Chromecast 发件人错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 Chrome Incognito 中运行 Chromecast 发送器时遇到错误,或者如果未安装 Chromecast 扩展程序:

I'm having an error running Chromecast sender in Chrome Incognito or if Chromecast extension is not installed:

Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://boadgeojelhgndaghljhdicfkmllpafd/cast_sender.js
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://dliochdbjfkdbacpmhlcpmleaejidimm/cast_sender.js
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://hfaagokkkhdbgiakmmlclaapfelnkoah/cast_sender.js
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://fmfcbgogabcbclcofgocippekhfcmgfj/cast_sender.js
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE chrome-extension://enhhojjnijigcajfphajepfemndkmdlo/cast_sender.js
No cast extension found

Google 演员表发件人正在尝试向本地cast_sender.js"发送 AJAX 请求.如果发生这种情况,或者是否有更好的方法来检查 Chromecast 发送器扩展程序是否存在(不是通过请求 AJAX 请求)?

Google cast sender is trying to send AJAX requests for local "cast_sender.js". Should this happen or is there a better way to check if Chromecast sender extension exists (not by requesting AJAX request)?

我相信这些 AJAX 请求是询问 Chromecast 扩展程序是否存在的一种方式.有没有更好的方法来检查 Chromecast 扩展程序是否存在?

I believe these AJAX requests are a way of asking if Chromecast extension exists. Is there a better way to check if Chromecast extension exists?


更新:经过多次尝试,看起来这可能已在最新的 Chrome 版本中得到修复(根据 保罗爱尔兰的评论如下).这表明我们将在 2016 年 6 月至 7 月的稳定版 Chrome 中看到此问题的修复.让我们看看......

Update: After several attempts, it looks like this may have been fixed in latest Chrome builds (per Paul Irish's comment below). That would suggest we will see this fixed in stable Chrome June-July 2016. Let's see ...

这是官方 Chromecast JavaScript 库的一个已知错误.它不会静默失败,而是在所有非 Chrome 浏览器以及不存在 Chromecast 扩展程序的 Chrome 浏览器中转储这些错误消息.

This is a known bug with the official Chromecast JavaScript library. Instead of failing silently, it dumps these error messages in all non-Chrome browsers as well as Chrome browsers where the Chromecast extension isn't present.

Chromecast 团队表示他们不会修复这个错误.

The Chromecast team have indicated they won't fix this bug.

如果您是提供此库的开发者,根据 Chromecast 团队的规定,您无能为力.您只能通知用户忽略错误.(我相信 Chromecast 团队并不完全正确,因为如果浏览器不是 Chrome,该库至少可以避免请求扩展 scipt.我怀疑即使是 Chrome 也可以抑制错误,但还没有"t 什么都试过了.)

If you are a developer shipping with this library, you can't do anything about it according to Chromecast team. You can only inform users to ignore the errors. (I believe Chromecast team is not entirely correct as the library could, at the least, avoid requesting the extension scipt if the browser is not Chrome. And I suspect it could be possible to suppress the error even if it is Chrome, but haven't tried anything.)

如果您是对这些控制台消息感到恼火的用户,如果您尚未使用 Chrome,则可以切换到 Chrome. 在 Chrome 中,可以:

更新 [2014 年 11 月 13 日]:该问题现已被 Google 承认.Chromecast 团队的一名成员似乎暗示该问题将通过团队目前正在进行的更改来解决.

更新 2 [2015 年 2 月 17 日]:该团队声称他们无法删除错误日志,因为这是标准的 Chrome 网络错误,他们仍在进行长期修复.该更新已关闭对错误跟踪器的公开评论.

更新 3 [2015 年 12 月 4 日]:这终于被修复了!最后,Chrome 团队只是添加了一些代码来阻止这个特定的错误.希望未来可以改进 devtools 和扩展 API 的某些组合,以便可以在不修补浏览器的情况下解决此类问题.Chrome Canary 已经有补丁,所以它应该会在 1 月中旬左右向所有用户推出.此外,团队已确认该问题不再影响其他浏览器,因为 SDK 已更新为仅在 Chrome 中激活.

Update 3 [Dec 4, 2015]: This has finally been fixed! In the end, Chrome team simply added some code to block out this specific error. Hopefully some combination of devtools and extensions API will be improved in the future to make it possible to fix this kind of problem without patching the browser. Chrome Canary already has the patch, so it should roll out to all users around mid-January. Additionally, the team has confirmed the issue no longer affects other browsers as the SDK was updated to only activate if it's in Chrome.

更新 4(4 月 30 日):不,无论如何还没有.值得庆幸的是,Google 的开发者关系团队比某些其他利益相关者更清楚这对开发者体验的影响有多大.最近进行了更多白名单更新以破坏这些日志消息.帖子顶部的当前状态.

这篇关于如果未安装 Chromecast 扩展程序或使用隐身模式,则 Google Chromecast 发件人错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-29 14:51