I am using webpack-dev-server for an angularjs app, I start it from a task in package.json like this:
"scripts": {
"start-api": "node api/server.js",
"dev": "webpack-dev-server --env dev --history-api-fallback --inline --progress --port 5000",
"start": "npm run dev"
I have a backend api server that uses koa and is running on the same port:
const koa = require('koa');
When the koa server is started, it intercepts all requests and I cannot browse to the angular browser app.
Should I be serving everything from koa or is there a way to have the two working together?
Yes, you can use webpack-dev-server with your own backend API. There are two ways to do this:
First, you can configure the dev-server to use a proxy. This is the solution I use and it works well for me. My configuration looks something like this:
proxy: {
"/api/*": {
target: "http://localhost:8080"
该配置可确保以/ API开头的所有请求都被发送到后端服务器API(本地主机上运行:8080在这种情况下),而不是开发服务器。或者,如果你需要,你可以绕过代理具有的功能,如:
This configuration ensures that all requests beginning with "/api" are sent to the backend API server (running on localhost:8080 in this case), rather than the dev-server. Optionally, if you need to, you can bypass the proxy with a function, like so:
proxy: {
"/api/*": {
target: "http://localhost:8080",
bypass(req, res) {
return (/* some condition */) ? '/index.html' : false;
但我从来没有需要使用这个,因为/ API / *键是我需要确保每个请求被发送到正确的服务器。
But I have never needed to use this, since the "/api/*" key is all I need to ensure each request is sent to the right server.
重要的是,你应该有不同的端口上运行两个服务器。我通常用8080我的后端,和9090 dev的服务器。
Importantly, you should have the two servers running on different ports. I usually use 8080 for my backend, and 9090 for the dev-server.
有另一种方式来做到这一点,但我与它不太熟悉。我从来没有亲自使用它,因为代理选项似乎不太复杂,它的工作原理。但是你可以读到这里 ,如果你找到的代理选项是不适合某些原因。