I am trying to remove any duplicates from my sorted array... I thought I could do it using an example from another question of mine but it turns out to not even come close to working.
这是一个非常可怕的尝试,但这是我弄清楚如何比较 NSMutableArray 中单个项目(NSDictionary)的两个元素的唯一方法.
its a pretty horrible attempt, but its the only way i can figure out how to compare two elements of a single item(NSDictionary) in a NSMutableArray.
NSArray *duplicatesRemovedArray = [sortedArray sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id a, id b) {
NSDictionary *dictA = a;
NSDictionary *dictB = b;
NSString *startYear1 = dictA[kStartYear];
NSString *finishYear1 = dictA[kFinishYear];
NSString *allYear1 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",startYear1, finishYear1];
NSString *startYear2 = dictB[kStartYear];
NSString *finishYear2 = dictB[kFinishYear];
NSString *allYear2 = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@",startYear2, finishYear2];
return [allYear1 compare:allYear2];
如果有人对如何创建我所追求的独特项目的 NSArray 有任何想法,如果您能给我任何建议,将不胜感激的代码示例
if anyone has any ideas on how to create an NSArray of unique items that is what I am after, if you could give me any suggestions, code examples that would be greatly appreciated
更新:我应该指出我的 NSDictionary 中有另一个元素身份证...
Update: I should point out that my NSDictionary has another element within itan ID...
so I cannot just compare objects like in the examples you have listed... this was an oversight on my part. So effectivly the objects look like this
ID: 1234
所以我需要一些帮助来删除 StartYear 和 FinishYear 与其他对象开始和结束年份匹配的对象.
so I need some help removing objects whos StartYear and FinishYear match other objects start and finish year.
So if I understood your question correctly, you want to filter your array in a way that if there's more than one item with the same year values (but possibly different IDs), only one of them is contained in the result.
A simple way to do that would be to iterate over the array, collecting start/finish years that you've already seen in a mutable set, and only including items in the result if they have a combination of start/finish year that you haven't yet added.
NSArray *array = @[@{@"ID": @(1234), @"STARTYEAR": @(1999), @"FINISHYEAR": @(2001)},
@{@"ID": @(1235), @"STARTYEAR": @(1999), @"FINISHYEAR": @(2001)},
@{@"ID": @(1236), @"STARTYEAR": @(1999), @"FINISHYEAR": @(2000)},
@{@"ID": @(1237), @"STARTYEAR": @(1999), @"FINISHYEAR": @(2000)}];
NSMutableArray *duplicatesRemoved = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableSet *seenYears = [NSMutableSet set];
for (NSDictionary *item in array) {
//Extract the part of the dictionary that you want to be unique:
NSDictionary *yearDict = [item dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:@[@"STARTYEAR", @"FINISHYEAR"]];
if ([seenYears containsObject:yearDict]) {
[seenYears addObject:yearDict];
[duplicatesRemoved addObject:item];
NSLog(@"%@", duplicatesRemoved);
In this example, this would result in these two items:
{ FINISHYEAR = 2001; ID = 1234; STARTYEAR = 1999; }
{ FINISHYEAR = 2000; ID = 1236; STARTYEAR = 1999; }
这篇关于从 NSMutable 数组中删除重复值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!