我最近开始机器人编程,我感到非常沮丧,至少可以说有很多事情对我来说似乎很简单,但是是完全抱着我从取得任何进展了。其中第一个是我的第一个应用程序的hello world,我从开始的
I've recently started android programming, and I'm extremely frustrated to say the least with a lot of things that to me seem simple but are totally holding me back from making any progress. The first of which is the "my first app" hello world that I started a tutorial from http://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/creating-project.htmlThis tutorial worked fine when I was originally looking into android a while ago. Then when I came back after learning a bunch of java this program will no longer work unless I change the target-sdk to version 10 (I found that solution after extensive searching on this site).
Then I moved on to starting tutorials by thenewboston
所有这些,只要我没有使用任何新targetsdkversion做工精细,所以我不知道发生了什么,无论我去寻找我的教程无法找到任何东西,将在目前的ADT实际工作(4.4 W和L是什么我日食自动设置)和eclipse(靛蓝)。我还可以得到问题说皮棉不工作,或者与Android的SDK内容加载器的麻烦时,我还没有做任何事情。
All of these work fine as long as I didn't use any new targetsdkversion, so I'm wondering what happened that everywhere I go looking for tutorials I can't find anything that will actually work on the current ADT(4.4W and L are what my eclipse automatically set up) and eclipse (indigo). I'll also get issues saying lint isn't working, or trouble with android SDK content loader when I'm not even doing anything.
I've also found snippets of code example on the developer website that I linked earlier that don't work when implemented either
So, am I missing something, is that just old documentation, or is something up with eclipse and ADT? I'm just so frustrated that everything wants to bug out on me when I'm just trying to follow simple introductory tutorials and I don't even know where to turn for tutorials that I can trust to work..
edit:removed code because it wasn't needed.
To not get blocked What you can do is continue to set "targetVersion as '19'" instead of setting it to 20 or so. Ensure that you've downloaded API19 through SDK Manager and create the AVDs with that targetSDK version for checking you apps.
That way you can proceed ahead with your coding and later when things get resolved by google for API20...you can always comeback to that new version. This way you can follow 'TheNewBoston' and start coding in Android.
I also recommend 'Slidenerd' tutorials over youtube as well for the beginner.
顺便说一句,我也该项目创建与API19过程中选择空白活动/ empty活动,并能够与我的编码向前迈进。
BTW, I've also selected 'Blank Activity / Empty Activity" during the project creation with API19 and been able to move ahead with my coding.
The Google Bug thread about this latest version issue can be tracked here : The google bug