在 .NET Compact Framework 中是否有内置的方法来创建 vCard 文件?如果不是,那么什么是好的库?
Is there a built-in way to create vCard files in the .NET Compact Framework?If not, what is a good library for this?
我发现这个经过一些改编后似乎能够在 Compact Framework 上完成这项工作:http://thoughtproject.com/Libraries/vCard/index.htm
I have found this one which after some adaptations would seems to be able to do the job on the Compact Framework:http://thoughtproject.com/Libraries/vCard/index.htm
But I'm not sure if there is not a build-in or more standard way to do it.
vCard 是一种通用协议,您可以使用您提到的库来生成 vCard.到目前为止,我知道 vCard 的 .net 框架中没有内置 api.您可能需要付出一些额外的努力才能将其移植到 .netcf,但这应该不是问题.只要您的代码生成符合 vCard 协议的 vCard 就应该是好的,因为没有关于如何生成 vCard 的标准定义.
vCard is a universal protocol and you can use the library you've mentioned to generate vCards. There's not built-in api in ,net framework for vCard so far I know. You might need put some extra effort to port it to .netcf but it should not be a problem. As long as your code generates the vCard that conforms to the vCard protocol it should be good as such there's not standards defined on how to generate the vCards.
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