I have been dropped into a complicated environment, where I am working with a Python library but everything else we have is in Java. We want to be able to access and use the Python library from Java, so we started researching and using Jython.
Jython is pretty great, and we are importing the Jython Interpreter into our Java program so that we can access most of the library. However, Jython doesn't quite support everything, and there's not much we can do to get around that. All the paths are set up correctly and there are some modules that we just can't import.
So assuming that there's nothing else we can do to make the Python library Jython-compatible, the next idea is to somehow invoke Python from the Jython interpreter, and make Python run a module (written in Python). Ideally, we would be able to simply import the module using Python, and then call all the methods using Jython (but have them executed in Python).
Does anyone know if this is possible at all, and if so how?
您应该可以使用 Pyro 在Jython和CPython之间发送方法调用及其返回数据.它的设计宗旨是对象可以通过网络相互通信",但是没有理由在同一台机器上的两种不同类型的Python之间不能使用相同的技术.
You should be able to use Pyro to send method calls and their return data between Jython and CPython. It's designed so that "objects can talk to each other over the network" but there's no reason the same technique shouldn't work between two different types of Python on a single machine.
In the Pyro documentation you will find a simple example which shows you just about everything you need to know to get this up and running.