我下载了黑莓的Eclipse插件具有默认的黑莓OS 7运行。我需要针对黑莓OS 6和OS 7设备。将这项工作对于BlackBerry OS 6为好,或者我需要改变的JRE?如果我需要改变的JRE,我怎么做呢?
I downloaded the Eclipse plugin for BlackBerry which has the BlackBerry OS 7 runtime by default. I need to target BlackBerry OS 6 and OS 7 devices. Will this work for BlackBerry OS 6 as well, or do I need to change the the JRE? If I need change the JRE, how do I do that?
您已经下载了什么都会好起来的为黑莓OS 7开发不过,为也开发OS 6的设备,你应安装OS 6.0 SDK插件也。
What you have already downloaded will be fine for developing for BlackBerry OS 7. However, to also develop for OS 6 devices, you should install the OS 6.0 plugin SDK, too.
- 在Eclipse中,选择帮助 - >安装新软件
- 然后点击添加... 按钮添加新的软件更新站点,如果BlackBerry网站是不是已经提供给与工作
- 输入为黑莓站点的URL(http://www.blackberry.com/go/eclipseUpdate/mac/java对于OS X和http://www.blackberry.com/developers/jar/win/java适用于Windows)
- 如果您再选择黑莓手机更新站点,你应该看到一个名为黑莓Java插件类别或类似的东西更新的类别。展开,你应该可以安装7.1,7.0,6.0或5.0的SDK。
- In Eclipse, select Help -> Install New Software.
- Then click the Add... button to add a new software update site, if the BlackBerry site is not already available to Work with.
- Enter the URL for the BlackBerry site ( http://www.blackberry.com/go/eclipseUpdate/mac/java for OS X and http://www.blackberry.com/developers/jar/win/java for Windows )
- If you then select the BlackBerry update site, you should see a category of updates named BlackBerry Java Plug-In Category, or something similar. Expand that, and you should be able to install the 7.1, 7.0, 6.0, or 5.0 SDKs.
全部安装其设备可能要作为目标的最小的版本为您的应用程序的SDK。。在Windows中,选择特定的JRE版本也给你运行该版本的BlackBerry智能手机软件至少一个仿真器(Mac OS X的软件开发工具包不支持模拟器,虽然)。
Install all the SDKs whose devices you might want to target as minimum versions for your apps. On Windows, choosing a particular JRE version also gives you at least one simulator that runs that version of BlackBerry smartphone software (Mac OS X SDKs don't support simulators, though).
Once you have a BlackBerry Eclipse project, you will then be able to pick which SDK version you build against. This will be the minimum version that the app will support.
- 右键单击Eclipse中的项目 Package Explorer中,然后选择属性即可。
- 在那里,你可以看到 Java构建路径属性,指定要针对其最低JRE(OS)版本。
- 然后,在库标签上,你可以的删除当前JRE(OS)版本,并选择添加图书和 JRE系统库。
- 选择替代JRE 并您应该能够从您在这些指令的前几个步骤安装插件的任何JRE版本可供选择。
- Right click the Project in the Eclipse Package Explorer, and select Properties.
- There, you can see the Java Build Path properties, which specify which minimum JRE (OS) version you are targeting.
- Then, on the Libraries tab, you can Remove the current JRE (OS) version, and replace it with another one by selecting Add Library, then JRE System Library.
- Pick Alternate JRE and you should be able to choose from any JRE version whose plugin you installed in the first few steps of these instructions.