本文介绍了SharePoint 2016安装程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我们正在单个服务器场上测试SharePoint 2016。我们能够在服务器上

-install sharepoint

- 配置一些服务应用程序

-create中央管理员Web应用程序和另一个Web应用程序。两者都使用Windows认证类型的声明身份验证。 Apppool帐户使用域帐户。

问题是我们无法将用户添加到网站。 它不会解析人员选择器中的用户。我们使用Active Directory。此SharePoint服务器位于一个域中,所有用户都位于另一个域中。 

在SharePoint服务器文件资源管理器中显示所有域和用户。 (因为所有域都是受信任的2种方式。)因此,似乎通过SharePoint Web应用程序,我无法解析用户。

我是否需要将服务帐户委托给Active Directory中的任何内容?

任何人都可以帮助我们完成需要完成的工作for sharepoint在所有域中查找AD用户?





We are testing SharePoint 2016 on a single server farm. We are able to

-install sharepoint on the server

-configure few service applications

-create central admin web application and one other web application. Both use claims authentication with windows authentication type. Apppool account uses the domain account.

the problem is we are not able to add users to the site. It is not resolving the users in the people picker. We use Active Directory. This SharePoint server is in one domain and all the users are in another domain. 

In the SharePoint server file explorer shows all the domains and users. (As all the domains are trusted 2 way). So it seems to be that through SharePoint webapplication I'm not able to resolve the users.

Do I need to delegate the service accounts with anything in the Active Directory?

Anyone help us in what needs to be done for sharepoint to find the AD users in all the domains?

Thanks in Advance.



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08-23 02:17