I am attempting to add a custom page to the customers 'account' section, which will allow the user to edit their order. At present I have been able to set an end point for the url and pick it up, but I need to get WooCommerce to initiate the page layout and be able to set the template location.
该文件位于 functions.php
This is in the functions.php
file, with the end point set and template override:
// Working
add_action( 'init', 'add_endpoint' );
function add_endpoint(){
add_rewrite_endpoint( 'edit-order', EP_ALL );
// need something here to check for end point and run page as woocommerce
// Not been able to test
add_filter( 'wc_get_template', 'custom_endpoint', 10, 5 );
function custom_endpoint($located, $template_name, $args, $template_path, $default_path){
if( $template_name == 'myaccount/my-account.php' ){
global $wp_query;
$located = get_template_directory() . '/woocommerce/myaccount/edit-order.php';
return $located;
这是 WooCommerce 2.6 + 扩展和操作带标签的我的帐户"页面端点的有效解决方案(请参见 此参考 (在此答案的末尾),因此您可以在此处完成此操作:
This is a working solution for WooCommerce 2.6+ to extend and manipulate the tabbed "My Account" page endpoints (See this reference at the end of this answer), so here it is what you can do to achieve this:
add_action( 'init', 'custom_new_wc_endpoint' );
function custom_new_wc_endpoint() {
add_rewrite_endpoint( 'edit-order', EP_ROOT | EP_PAGES );
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'custom_query_vars', 0 );
function custom_query_vars( $vars ) {
$vars[] = 'edit-order';
return $vars;
add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'custom_flush_rewrite_rules' );
function custom_flush_rewrite_rules() {
// The custom template location
add_action( 'woocommerce_account_edit-order_endpoint', 'custom_endpoint_content' );
function custom_endpoint_content() {
include 'woocommerce/myaccount/edit-order.php';
Then you will need, to Insert the new Edit order endpoint into the My Account menu:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_account_menu_items', 'custom_my_account_menu_items' );
function custom_my_account_menu_items( $items ) {
// Remove the orders menu item.
$orders_item = $items['orders']; // first we keep it in a variable
unset( $items['orders'] ); // we unset it then
// Insert your custom endpoint.
$items['edit-order'] = __( 'Edit Order', 'woocommerce' );
// Insert back the logout item.
$items['orders'] = $orders_item; // we set it back
return $items;
- 转到永久链接"选项页面,然后重新保存永久链接(感谢 helgatheviking )
- 您还可以禁用/启用主题.
- Go to the Permalinks options page and re-save the permalinks (thanks to helgatheviking)
- You can also disable/enable your theme.
Tabbed My Account page (WC 2.6+): Creating new endpoints