机会有利于准备好的心灵 comp.lang.javascript常见问题 - http://jibbering.com/faq/index.html Javascript最佳实践 - http://www.JavascriptToolbox.com/bestpractices/ " Richard Cornford" < Ri ***** @ litotes.demon.co.ukwrote in message 新闻:ep ******************* @ news .demon.co.uk ..."Richard Cornford" <Ri*****@litotes.demon.co.ukwrote in messagenews:ep*******************@news.demon.co.uk... 使用类型转换相等运算符有 - null - equaling - undefined - 。Using the type-converting equality operator has - null - equalling - undefined -. 正确测试取决于你想知道什么,以及你想知道它的上下文。The "correct" test is determined by what you want to know, and the context in which youwant to know it. 他们是不同的测试,所以他们回答不同的问题。两者都会失败如果 在错误的情况下适用。 理查德。They are different tests, so they answer different questions. Both would "fail" ifapplied in the wrong situation.Richard. 好的,我现在看到了。这个自学成才的速成课程让我积累了荒谬的假设。我肯定应该进一步测试它,也许那时我会有/ b $ b抓住/了解它。 谢谢,伙计们。 -LostOK, I see now. This self-taught crash course is causing me to amass ridiculousassumptions. I definitely should have tested it further, perhaps then I would havecaught/understood that.Thanks, guys.-Lost 这篇关于typeof x =='undefined'或x == undefined?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!