

我想为我的流星应用程序创建一个管理表单;我打算先尝试使用Ogno Admin,然后再从头开始构建一个,但是我不确定它是否可以支持所需格式的数据.我当前的应用数据会像这样进入mongo:

I want to create an admin form for my meteor app; I was going to try Ogno Admin before resorting to building one from scratch but I'm not sure if it can support the data in the format that I need. My current app data goes into mongo like this:

    "name": "Entry name",
    /* location stored like this so I can use mongo $near queries */
    "location": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-5.0990296,50.110757]
    /* could be many images, minimum 1 */
    "images": [
            "url": "image1.jpg",
            "caption": "Image caption"
    "shortDesc": "A delightful description...",
    /* fixed list of attributes stored as objects */
    "attributes": {
        "attr 1": {
            "score": 2,
            "text": "attr1 text"

我可以编写一个简单的架构来支持上面的不同数组/对象(尤其是位置坐标)吗?它们必须为方括号格式[lng,lat]-ogno admin可以使用此格式,还是我必须编写自定义admin的东西?对于我来说,在其他地方构建管理站点并获得它来输出Meteor的JSON数据可能更容易.

Could I write a simple schema to support the different arrays/objects above (esp. location coords)? They have to be square bracket formatted [lng, lat] - and would ogno admin work with this, or would I have to write the custom admin stuff? It might be easier for me to build the admin site in something else and get that to output JSON data for Meteor.

Beaches = new SimpleSchema({
  name: {
    type: String,
  location: {
    type: [Object]
    location.$.type: {
    /* how do I force '"type" : "Point" into every entry?
       use 'autovalue' with the .clean() function?*/
      location.$.coordinates: {
      /* how do I ensure a [x,y] array in here? */
  images: {
    type: [Object]
    "images.$.url": {
        type: String
    "images.$.caption": {
        type: String
  attributes: {
    type: [Object]
  /* note that my attributes above are all prefixed with a 'name'
     eg. "attr 1" : {}
     I'm not sure how to declare these either!



Hmm I dont know exactly the solution to your process of saving geocoords. But if you want to save lng and lat you have to pass a prefix. Why? Well geocoords have different validation ranges. Latitude is only available from -90 to 90 and Longitude from -180 to 180. If you dont save a prefix how do you want to ensure which is which coordinate? Another hint I have done false someday is to store the coords in longitude, latitude order.


The schema I am using looks like this:

GeocoordsSchema = new SimpleSchema({
  lng: {
    type : Number,
    decimal: true,
    min: -180,
    max: 180
  lat: {
    type : Number,
    decimal: true,
    min: -90,
    max: 90


Now you create nested schemas. Just extend GeocoordsSchema with LocationSchema and add a attribute.

LocationSchema = new SimpleSchema({
  type : {
    type : String,
    autoValue: function() {
      return "Point";
  coordinate: {
    type: GeocoordsSchema


If you want to have an array of LocationSchema than you can wrap the schema in [] brackets.

BeachesSchema = new SimpleSchema({
  loc: {
    type: [LocationSchema]


I havent tested but thats the way how I create and nest different schemas. Well this solution needs an identifier of lat and lng. Why dont you want to prefix your data?


07-29 23:28