


Customer wants me to repeat the parameter values in the page header of the report. But if they just choose "Select All" on a multi-valued parameter, they want the text "Any" listed.

例如,一个参数有一组固定的 9 个值.我将文本框的表达式硬编码为:

For example, one parameter has a fixed set of 9 values. I hard-coded the expression for a text box to:

="Room Size: " &
    Join(Parameters!pRoomCap.Value, ", "))


How can I do this if the parameter source is a query of unknown size?



Try this out. You need to compare the total number of parameters in the dataset to the count of selected parameters. The following assumes that your multivalue parameter is using a dataset called "dsRoomSizes"

="Room Size: "
& iif(Parameters!pRoomCap.Count = count(Fields!pRoomCap.Value,"dsRoomSizes"),
Join(Parameters!pRoomCap.Value, ", "))


This expression will work in the page header/footer.



In the interests of finding a solution to your problem, the following should work for you. It feels hackish and I encourage you to keep research alternative methods but this will work:

  1. 创建第二个多值参数并将其命名为pRoomCap_hidden".
    • 参数的来源是完全相同的查询
    • 在参数属性中,为同一个查询设置默认值
    • 重要:将参数可见性设置为隐藏
  1. Create a second multivalue parameter and name it something like "pRoomCap_hidden".
    • The source of the parameter is the exact same query
    • In the parameter properties, setting the default values to the same query
    • Important: Set the parameter visibility to hidden


This will create a second multivalue parameter in your report that is exactly the same as your initial multivalue parameter only this parameter list will have all values selected by default.


Enter the following expression in a textbox in your header:

=IIF(Parameters!pRoomCap.Count = Parameters!pRoomCap_hidden.Count,"All",Join(Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value,", "))


The above will compare the selected values in each parameter list. If the lists contain the same selected values then that indicates that "All" have been selected in the first list.

就像我说的那样,它很hackish,但它绝对有效.在您升级到 2008 之前,这对您来说可能不是一个糟糕的解决方法.

Like I said, it is hackish but it definitely works. Until you are upgraded to 2008, this might not be a bad workaround for you.


08-20 12:22