我有以下 HTML:
<div style="border:1px solid; height:300px; width:500px; position:relative; left:100px" id="canvas"><tbox ng-repeat="tb in textBoxes" ng-model="tb"></tbox>
以及以下 2 个指令
appModule.directive('resizable', function($compile, $document) {返回 {限制:A",模板:'<div ng-style="{top:tb.x, left:tb.y, height:tb.height, width:tb.width}" ng-transclude><span class="scale">s</span></div>',转置:真实,替换:真的,要求:'ngModel'}});appModule.directive('tbox', function($document) {返回 {限制:E",模板:'<div class="editbox" resizable editoptions>{{tb.text}}</div>',替换:真}});
angular 抛出的以下错误究竟是什么意思?
错误:多个指令 [tbox, resizable] 要求模板:<div class="editbox" resizable="" editoptions="" ng-repeat="tb in textBoxes" ng-model="tb">
jsfiddle 位于 http://jsfiddle.net/sEZM3/
您的两个指令都试图替换 dom 中的元素.尝试删除指令定义对象中的 replace: true
I have the following HTML:
<div style="border:1px solid; height:300px; width:500px; position:relative; left:100px" id="canvas">
<tbox ng-repeat="tb in textBoxes" ng-model="tb">
And the following 2 directives
appModule.directive('resizable', function($compile, $document) {
return {
restrict: "A",
template: '<div ng-style="{top:tb.x, left:tb.y, height:tb.height, width:tb.width}" ng-transclude><span class="scale">s</span></div>',
transclude: true,
replace: true,
require: 'ngModel'
appModule.directive('tbox', function($document) {
return {
restrict: "E",
template: '<div class="editbox" resizable editoptions>{{tb.text}}</div>',
replace: true
What exactly does the following error that angular is throwing me means?
Error: Multiple directives [tbox, resizable] asking for template on: <div class="editbox" resizable="" editoptions="" ng-repeat="tb in textBoxes" ng-model="tb">
jsfiddle at http://jsfiddle.net/sEZM3/
Both of your directives are trying to replace the element in the dom. Try removing the the replace: true
lines in your directive definition object.