我有一个Windows .NET应用程序,整个北美地区大约40位现场员工正在使用.该程序允许用户在现场(远离Internet访问)输入数据,然后在晚上同步到我们的Sql Server 2005数据库.几天前,我的两个用户报告说他们执行尝试连接到我们的服务器数据库(使用.NET的SqlConnection类)的操作时收到以下错误.
I have a Windows .NET application that is in use by approximately 40 field employees across North America. This program allows the users to enter data while in the field (away form internet access) and then synchronizes to our Sql Server 2005 database at night. A couple days ago, two of my users reported getting the following error when they performed an action that would attempt to connect to our server database (which uses .NET's SqlConnection class).
Our field employees are typically operating on a hotel Wi-Fi connection, and at first I thought that they both coincidentally got on an "uncooperative" network the same day. The following day, having moved to different hotels, the problem went away for one of these users, but continued for the other.
Besides providing the error message, the purpose of this background is to point out that
- 这是使用此软件一年以来第一次出现此问题,并且
- 我们的大多数用户在使用相同软件连接到我们的服务器数据库时都没有问题.
这让我犹豫了一下,问题出在服务器上(我已经阅读过有关此错误的大多数论坛和博客都提供了确保SQL Server配置正确的步骤).
This makes me hesitate to think that the issue is at the server (most forums and blogs I've read on this error provide steps to ensure the SQL Server is configured properly).
忽略错误消息的 Named Pipes Provider 部分,我猜想也许是该用户的计算机或网络导致其尝试通过管道而不是TCP进行连接,所以我确实尝试将服务器配置为允许TCP/IP和命名管道都用于远程连接,以前它仅设置为TCP/IP.更改此设置后,此用户仍然发生错误.
Noticing the Named Pipes Provider portion of the error message, I guessed that maybe this user's computer or network was causing it to attempt connection via pipes rather than TCP, so I did try configuring the server to allow BOTH TCP/IP and Named Pipes for remote connections, where it was previously set to TCP/IP only. The error continued for this one user after changing this setting.
因此,现在我要集思广益,讨论该用户的计算机/软件/Internet连接可能有什么特殊之处,这会阻止该用户连接到我们的SQL Server.
So now I'm left to brainstorm about what could be special about this one user's computer / software / internet connection that would hinder it from being able to connect to our SQL Server.
Our connection string does use our server's URL (not IP address), and I wondered if his laptop was having problems finding it by that address. However, he was able to access a website hosted from the same URL, so I guess the problem is somewhere else.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
您可能已经很长时间解决了该问题,或者已经继续进行,但是对于那些在连接到计算机时遇到错误40/命名管道问题的情况SQL Server实例,以下简单的解决方案对我们有用:
You've probably long since solved this problem by now or moved on, but for those having similar problems with the Error 40/named pipes issue when connecting to a SQL server instance, the following simple solution worked for us:
You can force your client program to use TCP (or named pipes, or other available methods) by adding a prefix in your connection string.
对于.NET SQLConnection示例,请在SQLConnection的连接字符串中指定,如下所示:
For the .NET SQLConnection example, specify in the SQLConnection's connection string like so:
Server=tcp:;Integrated Security=SSPI; database=sampledb