

我多年来一直使用comodo来签署我的代码(99美元),去年一位客户希望我们符合Windows 7徽标,所以我们切换到99美元的微软交易,现在它已经到期了一个星期左右,我想续订但是从verisign链接
的600美元。  我一直试图在微软网站上找到两天的链接,文档与微软网站上的网址不匹配。 有人可以给我一个有效的网址。

I've been using comodo for years to sign my code ($99), last year a customer wanted us be Windows 7 logo compliant so we switched to verisign with the $99 microsoft deal, now its expiring in a week or so and i want to renew but its $600 on the link from verisign.   I've been trying to find the link on microsoft sites for two days and the documentation does not match with the urls on the microsoft site.  Can someone give me a url that works.

找到此链接  功能提到99美元的证书但是当你去硬件页面时...

Found this link  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh801887.aspx  which mentions a $99 certificate but when you go to the hardware page ...


To purchase a certificate, follow these steps:

  1. 打开Internet Explorer,转到Windows®硬件开发人员中心,然后使用您的Microsoft帐户登录。
  2. 建立帐户部分中,单击
    VeriSign代码签名证书Microsoft Authenticode
  1. Open Internet Explorer, go to Windows® Hardware Developer Center, and sign in with your Microsoft account.
  2. In the Establish an Account section, click the link for the VeriSign Code-Signing Certificates for Microsoft Authenticode.





08-28 08:57