


How expensive is it to create gdi brushes and pens? Should I create them on an add needed basis and wrap them in a using so they are disposed quickly, or should I create a static class similar to System.Drawing.Brushes class?



IMO, they're efficient enough that you should usually not create long-lived instances that are used over several method calls, but inefficient enough that you should create each one only once within a particular method, instead of creating a new one each time you need to draw something.

在换句话说,不存储自定义画笔在你的类,你用它来绘制的每个的OnPaint 打电话给你的文字,也没有创建新的刷的每一行文字的你,OnPaint中调用内画,无论是。

In other words, don't store a custom brush in your class that you use to paint your text on every OnPaint call, but also don't create a new brush for every line of text you draw within that OnPaint call, either.


09-05 14:28