


If you have code like this:

if (A > X && B > Y)
else if(A > X || B > Y)

带有 A> X B> Y ,是否会执行 if-else-if 阶梯的两个部分?

With A > X and B > Y, will both parts of the if-else-if ladder be executed?

我正在处理存在此问题的Java代码。我通常使用C ++进行工作,但是是使用这两种语言编写的非常新的(和零星的)程序员。

I'm dealing with Java code where this is present. I normally work in C++, but am an extremely new (and sporadic) programmer in both languages.


不,他们不会两者都执行。顺序取决于您的编写方式,从逻辑上讲这很有意义;即使第二个读为 else if,您仍然可以将其视为 else。

No, they won't both execute. It goes in order of how you've written them, and logically this makes sense; Even though the second one reads 'else if', you can still think of it as 'else'.

考虑一个典型的if / else块:

Consider a typical if/else block:

   // Blah
} else{
   // Blah blah

如果您的第一句话是正确的,那么您甚至不必费心查看需要做什么在其他情况下,因为它无关紧要。同样,如果您使用的是 if / elseif,则不会浪费时间查看后续块,因为第一个是正确的。

If your first statement is true, you don't even bother looking at what needs to be done in the else case, because it is irrelevant. Similarly, if you have 'if/elseif', you won't waste your time looking at succeeding blocks because the first one is true.


A real world example could be assigning grades. You might try something like this:

if(grade > 90){
   // Student gets A
} else if(grade > 80){
   // Student gets B
} else if(grade > 70){
   // Student gets c


If the student got a 99%, all of these conditions are true. However, you're not going to assign the student A, B and C.


That's why order is important. If I executed this code, and put the B block before the A block, you would assign that same student with a B instead of an A, because the A block wouldn't be executed.


08-27 04:18