So I currently have two roles for all users: isAdmin and isReader.
An Admin is allowed to read and write data and an Reader is allowed to read data.
When someone creates an account he has no rights. Not even isReader
. Only an Admin can change rules.
This is how I planned to do it:
Once someone creates an account I create an Document in the Users
Collection like this:
uid: user.uid,
email: user.email,
role: {
isAdmin: false,
isReader: false,
On each login I update 'email' and uid
but keep role
untouched. To secure this behaviour I have these rules:
match /Users/{userId} {
allow read: if isOwner(userId) || isAdmin();
allow create: if request.resource.data.hasAll(['uid', 'email', 'role']) && request.resource.data.role.isAdmin == false && request.resource.data.role.isReader == false;
allow update: if resource.data.role == null || isAdmin();
function isAdmin() {
return getUserData().role.isAdmin == true;
data.hasAll(['uid', 'email', 'role'])
for some reason the
data.hasAll(['uid', 'email', 'role'])
does not work. When I remove this part thecreate
rule works as planned.
resource.data.role == null
resource.data.role == null
does not work. I intend to check if the data contains any updates for role
because I can't allow it is it doesn't come from an Admin. But for some reason it does not work.
Any Ideas what I'm doing wrong? Also is my strategy save or is there a way someone could "hack" himself Reader or Admin rights?
对于自定义身份验证声明,这似乎是一个很好的用例.您可以在受保护的环境中为用户设置特定的角色,如代码实验室.以下是在服务器中设置自定义声明的示例.您甚至可以为此使用Cloud Functions.我建议您检查一下Codelab的完整代码,以便了解如何确保不仅有人可以请求向其用户添加自定义声明.
This looks like it may be a good use case for custom auth claims. You can set specific roles on a user within a secured environment, as shown in this codelab. Below is an example of setting a custom claim in your server. You can even use Cloud Functions for this. I recommend you check out the full code of the Codelab so you can see how to ensure not just anyone can request custom claims be added to their user.
admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims(uid, {Admin: true}).then(() => {
// The new custom claims will propagate to the user's ID token the
// next time a new one is issued.
Then you can check for those roles on the user in your security rules.
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /Users/{userId} {
allow read: if request.auth.token.Owner == true || request.auth.token.Admin == true;
allow create: request.auth.uid == userId &&
request.resource.data.uid == request.auth.uid &&
request.resource.data.email != null;
allow update: request.auth.uid == userId || request.auth.token.Admin == true;
Notice all the rules about "role" have been removed because they're no longer needed. Let me know if you have questions about implementation because I'm trying to make some more content around this since it's such a common problem.