本文介绍了我要一个Web API服务和客户端之间共享类型?什么其他选择?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们正在开发一个Web API RESTful服务来提供给我们的企业的所有应用程序访问常用数据。为了帮助我们还将发布封装所有HttpClient的细节,并提供了一​​个强类型的访问数据的客户端API。

We are developing a Web API RESTful service to provide access to common data to all the applications of our enterprise. To help we will also publish a Client API that encapsulate all the HttpClient details and provides a strongly-typed access to the data.


Our goal is to start small and progressively add features, while still keeping backwards compatibility with already deployed versions of the client API (compatibility with the clients of the same Major version)


While talking about the design, our team just had a very long discussion about whether or not we should share types between the server and the client (for instance via versionned NuGet packages that both server and client would depend on), and ended up with pros and cons ... and we do not manage to decide one way or another.


  • 客户端模式和服务器模式始终是最新的

  • 没有串行化/反序列化的问题,因为同类型的序列化/反序列化

  • 没有重复


  • 需要找到一种方式来共享服务器和客户端之间的类型

  • 非语义的修改可以打破现有的客户端应用程序(改变一个类或者它的服务器型号命名空间的名称),即使对JSON序列化没有影响,所以应该没有影响

  • 没有意识到打破克林特风险


  • 客户端模式较少连接到服务器实现(只是一个服务器输出的JSON镜,但没有硬性同型的关系)

  • 服务器模式可以不破坏任何客户端的风险演变

  • 允许从服务器型号分别提高了客户端模型

  • 客户端模式是客户端软件包,没有共享包服务器和客户端之间维持一部分


  • 服务器code和客户端code之间的重复

  • 保持服务器端和客户端的结构同步容易出错的任务

有似乎是在我们的团队每个解决方案50/50 preference。

There seems to be a 50/50 preference for each solution in our team.


I personally have a preference for the second option, because I believe RESt is all about decoupling, and decoupling means the client should not care about how the server side is implemented (which types, or whether it is a .NET app anyway) but wish we could get rid of the possible duplication, maybe thanks to code generation or something like that, but could not find any guidance on the subject



If we do not share them, are there ways to lower the maintenance costs when trying to keep client model and server model in sync ?


我认为,如果你不小心,第二个选项可能最终会被比第一少REST风格。 REST是少去耦,更多的是管理和重点客户端和服务器之间的耦合。

I would argue that if you are not careful, the second option could end up being less RESTful than the first. REST is less about de-coupling and more about managing and focusing the coupling between client and server.


In a restful system you know the coupling between client and server lies in the media type definitions and the link relation definitions.


In both options, you are effectively sharing types between the client and the server. In the first option this sharing is explicit via a concrete implementation that could be managed as a nuget package and versioned independently of client and server.


In the second option you have two implementations of the shared types. However, I'm guessing you are not planning on defining a media type that explicitly defines what the properties of those types are. Therefore you have no single source of truth, you have nothing to define what the data contract between client and server is. How do you know when you are going to make a change that will break a client? At least with a shared library you can know that the server is now using version 1.4.7 of the shared types and the client is using 1.3.9. You can use semantic versioning on the shared type library to know when you are making a breaking change that will force the client to update.


With the second option, you have a client and a secer that will be independently versioned and it will be much harder to keep track of whether there are breaking changes between the two versions.


Explict Media types are always the best way to capture the contracts and version the contracts between HTTP clients and servers. However, if you don't want to go there, then the shared nuget library is the best next step because you are isolating the part of the system that is shared from the client and server implementations. This is one of the key objectives of REST. The fact that you are actually sharing an implementation library of that shared contract only affects consumers live on other platforms that can't consume that library.

我在几年前创造了这个词 Web Pack中来形容这种想法使用一个共享的NuGet包包含共享耦合。我写了几篇文章和<一个href=\"http://www.biz$c$cr.com/using-nuget-to-give-web-api-that-add-service-reference-experience\">here关于这个问题的。

I coined the term Web Pack a few years ago to describe this idea of using a shared nuget package to contain the shared coupling. I wrote a few articles here and here on the subject.

这篇关于我要一个Web API服务和客户端之间共享类型?什么其他选择?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-20 06:58