(Note: I want to test it on android)
I have an application in react native and a similar application made with flutter. I want to profile / test it and see cpu usage, check when they drop frames, etc.
I know that applications in debugmode are worse in performance. So I thought I have to test these two applications in release mode, because I dont know how much debugmode hold these applications back.But from my understanding android profiling does not work in release mode (don't know about systrace, still have some problems with it).
So my question, how do I compare these 2 apps? Is there a way to do with release builds? Or should I test and compare it with a debug build?
I read that flutter has a profile build which builds closely to a release build, is running in debugmode and turning off dev mode in react-native about the same?
Yes, Profile mode is how you would test your Flutter app as if it is running in release.
It uses DevTools which can help debug the UI, memory, performance, logs, etc.
您提到的与发布版本紧密构建" 在以下位置被提及:
And what you noted, "builds closely to a release build", is mentioned at:
The last two links provide a wealth of information on how to use each of their features.
您甚至可以查看 flutter/Performance最佳做法,以确保在进行测试之前,您已经获得了最好的体验.
You can even check out flutter/Performance best practices to make sure you've got the best experience before you jump into testing.