我在Mac OSX 10.8上运行Worklight 6.1 DevStudio,并且在适配器和混合应用程序的开发几天后,一切工作都很好.我成功地对这两种类型的项目进行了重建,重新部署和运行数十次.
I'm running Worklight 6.1 DevStudio on Mac OSX 10.8 and everything was working fine over several days of development of both adapters and a hybrid application. I rebuilt, re-deployed and ran both types of projects dozens of times with success.
上一次我尝试重建适配器时,它没有完成.通常,这是在10秒左右的时间内完成的.最终,在10分钟后,我试图阻止它-最终迫使其退出日食.现在,我无法启动Worklight Development Server.它等待的最新内容是"worklight启动预览服务器侦听器完成".有时它会说其中一台服务器无法启动,我想等待还是退出.我已经等待了5分钟-我增加了超时时间.如果我说退出,它将永远"挂起,试图停止开发服务器.我尝试过:
The last time I tried to rebuild an adapter, it did not complete. Usually this was completing in 10sec or so. Eventually, after 10mins, I tried to stop it - eventually force quitting eclipse. Now I can not get the Worklight Development Server to start. The latest thing it is waiting on is "worklight startup preview server listener to complete". Other times it will say one of the servers will not start and do I want to wait or exit. I've had it wait up to 5 mins - I've increased the timeout. If I say exit, it hangs "forever" trying to stop the development server. I have tried:
- 重新启动
- 单击下次启动时清洁服务器"
- 等待越来越长的时间后将其强制关闭
- 按各种顺序等在进度"选项卡中取消任务.
无论哪种方式,我可以进入的最佳状态是开发工作室都可以清晰地显示出来,并且我可以按Start(启动)键,但它永远不会完成. Worklight控制台什么都没有.
Either way the best state I can get back into it is the dev studio comes up cleanly, and I can push Start, but it never completes. The Worklight Console has nothing.
The last thing in the message.log is:
In the trace.log I see quite a few of these:
Where do I look to figure out what the development server is hung on? At this point I am out of debug ideas and considering removing the projects one by one from the workspace and re-importing or if that fails, a re-install.
Take a look at /PATH-TO-WORKSPACE/WorklightServerConfig/worklight/logs
. There you will find a ffdc
folder and in it the aforementioned log file. Edit the question with its contents.
I can think of two suggested approaches/solutions here:
- 在Eclipse中,从服务器"视图中,删除"Worklight Development Server"条目
- 退出Eclipse.导航到工作区并删除"WorklightServerConfig"文件夹
- 重新启动Eclipse.重建项目.
- 文件>切换工作区>其他(这将使用您为其选择的名称简单地创建一个新的工作区)
- 从上一个工作区导入项目
I'd start with 1 and continue to 2 if 1 doesn't work for you.
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