



js code

I have create the pop window when user click check-box. When the check box is clicked, I display the pop up with relevant message for user to confirm if the really want to click the check box. Same when the check box is checked and user want to uncheck it. I want to display the pop up with relevant message if the really want to uncheck the checkbox.

My code:

js code

function CustomAlert(){
	this.render = function(dialog){
		var winW = window.innerWidth;
	    var winH = window.innerHeight;
		var dialogoverlay = document.getElementById('dialogoverlay');
	    var dialogbox = document.getElementById('dialogbox');
		dialogoverlay.style.display = "block";
	    dialogoverlay.style.height = winH+"px";
		dialogbox.style.left = (winW/2) - (550 * .5)+"px";
	    dialogbox.style.top = "100px";
	    dialogbox.style.display = "block";
		document.getElementById('dialogboxhead').innerHTML = "Acknowledge This Message";
	    document.getElementById('dialogboxbody').innerHTML = dialog;
		document.getElementById('dialogboxfoot').innerHTML = '<button onclick="Alert.ok()">OK</button>';
	this.ok = function(){
		document.getElementById('dialogbox').style.display = "none";
		document.getElementById('dialogoverlay').style.display = "none";
var Alert = new CustomAlert();
function checkBoxPost(id){
	var db_id = id.replace("post_", "");
			var checked = $(this).is(':checked');
			if(checked) {
				if(!confirm('Are you sure you want to enable all device use?')){
			} else if(!confirm('Are you sure you want to disable all device use?')){
				$(this).attr("checked", "checked");
function CheckBoxConfirm(){
	this.render = function(dialog,op,id){
		var winW = window.innerWidth;
	    var winH = window.innerHeight;
		var dialogoverlay = document.getElementById('dialogoverlay');
	    var dialogbox = document.getElementById('dialogbox');
		dialogoverlay.style.display = "block";
	    dialogoverlay.style.height = winH+"px";
		dialogbox.style.left = (winW/2) - (550 * .5)+"px";
	    dialogbox.style.top = "100px";
	    dialogbox.style.display = "block";

		document.getElementById('dialogboxhead').innerHTML = "Confirm that action";
	    document.getElementById('dialogboxbody').innerHTML = dialog;
		document.getElementById('dialogboxfoot').innerHTML = '<button onclick="Confirm.yes(\''+op+'\',\''+id+'\')">Yes</button> <button onclick="Confirm.no()">Cancel</button>';
	this.no = function(){
		document.getElementById('dialogbox').style.display = "none";
		document.getElementById('dialogoverlay').style.display = "none";
	this.yes = function(op,id){
		if(op == "check_box"){
		document.getElementById('dialogbox').style.display = "none";
		document.getElementById('dialogoverlay').style.display = "none";

var Confirm = new CheckBoxConfirm();

HTML code

HTML code

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/dialog.css">
<script src="js/dialog.js"></script>
<div id="dialogoverlay"></div>
<div id="dialogbox">
    <div id="dialogboxhead"></div>
    <div id="dialogboxbody"></div>
    <div id="dialogboxfoot"></div>
<label for="sync_payments"><input type="checkbox" id="sync_payments" name="sync_payments" onclick="Confirm.render(checkBoxPost)"/> Enable for all device(s) </label>

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>



My Style:

	display: none;
	opacity: .8;
	position: fixed;
	top: 0px;
	left: 0px;
	background: #FFF;
	width: 100%;
	z-index: 10;
	display: none;
	position: fixed;
	background: #99cc00  ;
	z-index: 10;
#dialogbox > div{ background:#FFF; margin:8px; }
#dialogbox > div > #dialogboxhead{ background: #C1e0ea ; font-size:19px; padding:10px; color:#fff; }
#dialogbox > div > #dialogboxbody{ background: #75A9BC; padding:20px; color:#FFF; }
#dialogbox > div > #dialogboxfoot{ background: #C1e0ea; padding:10px; text-align:right; }


我试图打电话给onclick =Confirm.render('你确定要在复选框上同步?','check_box')但这没有帮助。

What I have tried:

I have tried to call the onclick="Confirm.render('You sure you want to sync?','check_box')" on the check box but this didn't help.



07-29 16:02