


我有一堆带有文章的文件.对于每篇文章,应该有一些功能,例如:文本长度 text_spam (均为整数或浮点数,在大多数情况下,应从csv加载).我想做的就是-将这些功能与CountVectorizer结合起来,然后对这些文本进行分类.

I have a bunch of files with articles. For each article there should be some features, like: text length, text_spam (all are ints or floats, and in most cases they should be loaded from csv). And what I want to do is - to combine these features with CountVectorizer and then classify those texts.


I have watched some tutorials, but still I have no idea how to implement this stuff. Found something here, but can't actually implement this for my needs.


Any ideas how that could be done with scikit?



from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.pipeline import FeatureUnion

measurements = [
    {'text_length': 1000, 'text_spam': 4.3},
    {'text_length': 2000, 'text_spam': 4.1},

corpus = [
    'some text',
    'some text 2 hooray',

vectorizer = DictVectorizer()
count_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=1)

first_x = vectorizer.fit_transform(measurements)
second_x = count_vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)

combined_features = FeatureUnion([('first', first_x), ('second', second_x)])


For this bunch of code I do not understand how to load "real"-data, since training sets are already loaded. And the second one - how to load categories (y parameter for fit function)?



You're misunderstanding FeatureUnion. It's supposed to take two transformers, not two batches of samples.


You can force it into dealing with the vectorizers you have, but it's much easier to just throw all your features into one big bag per sample and use a single DictVectorizer to make vectors out of those bags.

# make a CountVectorizer-style tokenizer
tokenize = CountVectorizer().build_tokenizer()

def features(document):
    terms = tokenize(document)
    d = {'text_length': len(terms), 'text_spam': whatever_this_means}
    for t in terms:
        d[t] = d.get(t, 0) + 1
    return d

vect = DictVectorizer()
X_train = vect.fit_transform(features(d) for d in documents)

别忘了用sklearn.preprocessing.Normalizer对其进行归一化,并且要注意,即使在归一化之后,这些text_length要素也必将在规模上主导其他要素.改用1. / text_lengthnp.log(text_length)可能更明智.

Don't forget to normalize this with sklearn.preprocessing.Normalizer, and be aware that even after normalization, those text_length features are bound to dominate the other features in terms of scale. It might be wiser to use 1. / text_length or np.log(text_length) instead.

取决于数据的组织方式. scikit-learn有很多辅助函数和类,但是如果您的设置不标准,它确实希望您编写代码.

Depends on how your data is organized. scikit-learn has a lot of helper functions and classes, but it does expect you to write code if your setup is non-standard.



09-06 23:59