我最近从官方网站下载了 Nodejs 文件,但我不知道如何从存档文件安装 Nodejs.
I recently downloaded the Nodejs file from the official site and I don't know how to install the Nodejs from a archived file.
请帮助我如何安装此文件以便我可以运行npm"来自 CLI 的命令,用于为我自己的项目安装多个包.
Please help me how can I install this file so that I can run the "npm" command from the CLI for installation of several packages for my own project.
第 1 步:从 https://下载最新或推荐的 node .tar.xz 文件nodejs.org/en/
Step 1: Download latest or recommended node .tar.xz file from https://nodejs.org/en/
或者您可以直接从这里下载节点版本 14.15.5(.tar.xz 文件)->
or you can download node version 14.15.5 (.tar.xz file) directly from here ->
第 2 步:转到下载(.tar.xz 文件)的目录.
Step 2: Go to the directory in which (.tar.xz file) is downloaded.
In my case --> /Download directory
第 3 步:更新系统存储库
Step 3: Update System Repositories
sudo apt update
第 4 步:安装包 xz-utils
Step 4: Install the package xz-utils
sudo apt install xz-utils
步骤 5:提取 .tar.xz 文件
Step 5: To Extract the .tar.xz file
sudo tar -xvf name_of_file
就我而言-->sudo tar -xvf node-v14.15.5-linux-x64.tar.xz
第六步:sudo cp -r directory_name/{bin,include,lib,share}/usr/
就我而言-->sudo cp -r node-v14.15.5-linux-x64/{bin,include,lib,share}/usr/
node --version
结果就我而言 ->v14.15.5