我的 CKEDITOR 表单预填充了隐藏表,该表与用户输入的文本一起提交.这工作正常,但有时用户多次按下退格键并删除隐藏表.
有没有办法阻止在 ckeditor textarea 中对这个隐藏表进行编辑?因此,当用户按下退格键时,隐藏的表格不受影响并保持不变.
一旦 CKEDITOR 实例准备好,这个源(波纹管)就会被放入 CkEditor Textarea(使用 setData() 属性)并且用户只能看到返回的 <p></p>
值.在这种情况下,它的 <p>我真的认为我可以做到这一点!</p>
.它是对他的个人资料的描述,他可以保留和编辑它.其余部分是隐藏的,仅在提交表单时在电子邮件中可见.奇怪的是 <p></p>
<p>我真的觉得我可以做到!</p><table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px;"><td><strong><a href="http://www.globalcastingcenter.com/talent/jack-bolton">Matt Faro</a></strong>发送的申请试镜:<a href="http://www.globalcastingcenter.com:80/CustomContentRetrieve.aspx?ID=4185493">需要的演员</a></td></tr><td>直接回复申请人:mantas@mantas.co 或访问完整资料:http://www.globalcastingcenter.com/talent/jack-bolton</td></tr></tbody><table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px;"><td><strong>简档摘要:</strong></td></tr></tbody><table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px;"><td><a href="http://www.globalcastingcenter.com/talent/jack-bolton"><img alt="" src="http://globalcastingcenter.com/talent_images/4164035_258551_foto.png?Action=缩略图&宽度=144&高度=215"/></a></td></tr></tbody><表格样式="字体大小:12px;"类=隐藏"><td><strong>区域:</strong></td><td>演员,额外</td></tr><td><strong>国家:</strong></td><td>全球,任何</td></tr><td><strong>年龄:</strong></td><td>26</td></tr></tbody></span>
现在当我加载你的插件时,我的 CKeditor 框消失了,请在测试页面按应用"http://gcc-july.themantas.co.uk/auditions/actors-needed 请先登录才能访问留言框登录名:tiknius@gmail.com pssw:test>
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ){config.toolbar = '我的工具栏';config.toolbar_MyToolbar =[{ name: 'clipboard', items : [ 'Undo','Redo' ] },{ name: 'styles', items : ['FontSize'] },{ name: 'basicstyles', items : [ 'Bold','Italic'] },{ name: 'paragraph', items : ['Outdent','Indent' ] },];config.removePlugins = 'contextmenu';config.forcePasteAsPlainText = true;config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles = true;config.pasteFromWordRemoveStyles = true;config.extraPlugins = 'cwjdsjcsconfineselection';config.startupShowBorders = false;config.disableObjectResizing = true;};
我使用你建议的 HTML 结构.
这是您更新的内容块.包裹在 <span>
您可能不喜欢出现在数据单元格周围的边框和调整大小的轮廓,如果是这种情况,请将这些设置添加到您的配置中:config.startupShowBorders = false;
config.disableObjectResizing = true;
需要起始内容之前的空 <td>
可防止用户使用Ctrl A"选择所有内容,从而删除隐藏表格.
我从起始内容中删除了 <p>
保存隐藏表的 <td>
字符,它阻止用户使用Ctrl A"来选择所有会允许他们删除隐藏的表.如果删除光标右侧的所有内容,会导致光标丢失,但您可以单击内容重新开始编辑.
属性由 CkEditor 使用并且是必需的,但它并不能完成全部工作.您可以在不激活插件的情况下试用新的 HTML,看看它本身有什么效果.
<table id="messageTemplate1" class="message cwjdsjcs_editable"><tr><td class="cwjdsjcs_not_editable" contenteditable="false"></td><td id="cwjdsjcs_editable_id">我真的觉得我可以做到!</td></tr><tr class="cwjdsjcs_not_editable" contenteditable="false"><td colspan="2"> <!-- 开始原创内容--><table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px; display:none;"><td><strong><a href="http://www.globalcastingcenter.com/talent/jack-bolton">Matt Faro</a></strong>发送的申请试镜:<a href="http://www.globalcastingcenter.com:80/CustomContentRetrieve.aspx?ID=4185493">需要的演员</a></td></tr><td>直接回复申请人:mantas@mantas.co 或访问完整资料:http://www.globalcastingcenter.com/talent/jack-bolton</td></tr></tbody><table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px; display:none;"><td><strong>简档摘要:</strong></td></tr></tbody><table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px; display:none;"><td><a href="http://www.globalcastingcenter.com/talent/jack-bolton"><img alt="" src="http://globalcastingcenter.com/talent_images/4164035_258551_foto.png?Action=缩略图&宽度=144&高度=215"/></a></td></tr></tbody><table style="font-size: 12px; display:none;"类=隐藏"><td><strong>区域:</strong></td><td>演员,额外</td></tr><td><strong>国家:</strong></td><td>全球,任何</td></tr><td><strong>年龄:</strong></td><td>26</td></tr></tbody><!-- 原创内容结束--></td></tr></tbody><!-- 替换 <span> 的结束包装表元素 -->
在该目录中创建一个名为plugins.js"的文件,并将下面的代码粘贴到该文件中.我的错误:文件名为 plugin.js,而不是 plugin(s).js.
如果您已经有额外的插件,请将cwjdsjcsconfineselection"添加到 extraPlugins 配置设置中,否则将此设置添加到您的配置中:config.extraPlugins = 'cwjdsjcsconfineselection';
/*防止编辑具有不可编辑"类的元素以及具有可编辑"类的块之外的元素的插件.*///* **************************** 注释 *************************** 注释 ****************************/*lastSelectedElement"变量用于存储最后选择的元素.这个插件使用了elementspath"插件,它显示了 DOM 中的所有元素父树相对于编辑区域中的当前选择.选择更改时,触发ElementsPathUpdate",我们以此为键并循环遍历树中的元素,检查分配给每个元素的类.三种结果是可能的.1)找到不可编辑的类:循环停止,当前操作被取消,光标移动到上一个选择.selectionChange"钩子被触发以在整个实例中设置恢复的选择.2) 在循环过程中找到可编辑类,in_editable_area"标志设置为true.3) 找不到可编辑或不可编辑的类(用户在主容器外单击).in_editable_area"标志仍然设置为false.如果in_editable_area"标志为假,则取消当前操作并将光标移至上一个位置.selectionChange"钩子被触发以在整个实例中设置恢复的选择.如果in_editable_area"标志为真,lastSelectedElement"更新为当前选择的元素,插件返回true.---------------如果您不想在编辑器窗口底部显示元素路径,您可以使用 CSS 隐藏它,而不是禁用elementspath"插件.elementpath 插件创建并保持活动状态,因为我们正在修改插件中的路径.#cke_path_content{可见性:隐藏!重要;}---------------插件键入的 CSS 类和 ID.使用默认值或更新变量来使用您喜欢的类和 ID:var starts_element_id = 始终出现在实例中的已知可编辑元素的 ID.不要使用像<table>、<tr>、<br/>这样的元素.不包含 HTML 文本.默认值 = cwjdsjcs_editable_idvar editable_class = 可编辑容器类.应应用于包含可编辑元素的所有顶级元素.默认值 = cwjdsjcs_editablevar non_editable_class = 可编辑容器内不可编辑元素的类适用于所有子元素都不可编辑的元素.默认值 = cwjdsjcs_not_editable*///* **************************** 结束注释 *************************** 结束注释 ****************************//向编辑器注册插件.//http://docs.cksource.com/ckeditor_api/symbols/CKEDITOR.plugins.htmlCKEDITOR.plugins.add('cwjdsjcsconfineselection',{要求:['元素路径'],//插件初始化逻辑在这个方法中.//http://docs.cksource.com/ckeditor_api/symbols/CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition.html#initinit: 函数(编辑器){editor.on('instanceReady', 函数(instance_ready_data){//创建将保存最后一个允许选择的变量(在进行不可编辑的选择时使用)var lastSelectedElement;editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated = false;//本节通过选择一个已知的可编辑元素来开始.//*** 输入应该具有初始焦点的元素的 ID *** 重要事项 *** 重要事项 ***varstarting_element_id = "cwjdsjcs_editable_id";var resInitialRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );resInitialRange.selectNodeContents( editor.document.getById(starting_element_id));resInitialRange.collapse();var selectionObject = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( editor.document );editor.document.focus();selectionObject.selectRanges( [ resInitialRange ] );var sel = editor.getSelection();var firstElement = sel.getStartElement();var currentPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( firstElement );//设置已知可编辑元素的路径,触发selectionChange"钩子以更新整个实例中的选择.editor._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath;editor.fire( 'selectionChange', { selection : sel, path : currentPath, element : firstElement } );});//*** END - editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( e )//当用户选择一个新元素时,检查他们是否可以编辑它,//如果不将光标移回上次知道的可编辑选择editor.on('elementsPathUpdate', 函数( resPath ){//当我们在此代码块的末尾触发selectionChange"钩子时,elementsPathUpdate"钩子就会触发.//不需要检查,因为我们刚刚更新了选择,所以绕过处理.if( editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated == true ){editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated = false;返回真;}var elementsList = editor._.elementsPath.list;var in_editable_area = false;var non_editable_class = "cwjdsjcs_not_editable";var editable_class = "cwjdsjcs_editable";for(var w=0;w
editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( instance_ready_data ){警报(实例就绪");
要测试插件是否在选择更改时触发,请在 elementsPathUpdate 触发器后添加警报:
editor.on( 'elementsPathUpdate', function( resPath ){警报(元素路径更新");
I have my CKEDITOR form prepopulated with hidden table which is being submitted together with user inputed text. This works fine, but sometimes user presses backspace too many times and deletes the hidden table.
Is there a way to block editing on this hidden table inside ckeditor textarea? So when user presses backspace the hidden table isn't affected and stays in.
As soon as CKEDITOR instance is ready this source (bellow) is put inside CkEditor Textarea (using setData() attribute) and User only sees the returned
value. In this case its <p>I really think I can do this!</p>
. Its a description of his profile and he can keep it and edit it. The rest is hidden and only visible in e-mail when form is submitted. Its strange that <p></p>
is on top but if user presses Backspace couple times the table gets deleted and therefor not submitted.
<span id="messageTemplate1" class="message">
<p>I really think I can do this!</p>
<table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px;">
<tr class="hide">
Application sent by <strong><a href="http://www.globalcastingcenter.com/talent/jack-bolton">Matt Faro</a></strong> for Audition: <a href="http://www.globalcastingcenter.com:80/CustomContentRetrieve.aspx?ID=4185493">Actors Needed</a>
<tr class="hide">
Reply to applicant directly: mantas@mantas.co or visit full profile: http://www.globalcastingcenter.com/talent/jack-bolton
<table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px;">
<tr class="hide">
<td><strong>Short Profile Summary:</strong></td>
<table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px;">
<tr class="hide">
<a href="http://www.globalcastingcenter.com/talent/jack-bolton"><img alt="" src="http://globalcastingcenter.com/talent_images/4164035_258551_foto.png?Action=thumbnail&Width=144&Height=215" /></a>
<table style="font-size: 12px;" class="hide">
<tr class="hide">
<tr class="hide">
<tr class="hide">
Now when I load your plugin my CKeditor box disapears, please press "Apply" on testing page http://gcc-july.themantas.co.uk/auditions/actors-needed please login first to be able to access the message box Login name: tiknius@gmail.com pssw: test
My config file:
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
config.toolbar = 'MyToolbar';
config.toolbar_MyToolbar =
{ name: 'clipboard', items : [ 'Undo','Redo' ] },
{ name: 'styles', items : ['FontSize' ] },
{ name: 'basicstyles', items : [ 'Bold','Italic'] },
{ name: 'paragraph', items : ['Outdent','Indent' ] },
config.removePlugins = 'contextmenu';
config.forcePasteAsPlainText = true;
config.pasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles = true;
config.pasteFromWordRemoveStyles = true;
config.extraPlugins = 'cwjdsjcsconfineselection';
config.startupShowBorders = false;
config.disableObjectResizing = true;
This is how the box looks when I disable your plugin: http://screencast.com/t/Kc2bIOU8md2
I use your suggested HTML structure.
I had to play around with it a bit to get it to work. I added lots of documentation to the plugin code, if you have any questions after reading it through let me know.
I'm including an updated version of your content block and the plugin code block.
Here is your updated content block. It wasn't working when wrapped in the
tag, so I wrapped it in a table.
You may not like the border and resizing outlines that appear around the data cell, if that's the case, add these settings to your configuration:
config.startupShowBorders = false;
config.disableObjectResizing = true;
Some notes:
The empty <td>
before your starting content is needed, it prevents the user from using "Ctrl A" to select everything which would allow them to delete the hidden table.
I removed the
tag from the starting content as it acted funky in this structure.
that holds the hidden tables has a
character, it prevents the user from using "Ctrl A" to select everything which would allow them to delete the hidden table. It causes the cursor to get lost if you delete everything to the right of the cursor, but you can click on the content to begin editing again.
attribute is used by CkEditor and is needed, but it doesn't do the whole job. You can try out the new HTML without activating the plugin to see what effect it has by itself.
There are notes in the plugin code about the classes and ID I used.
<!-- Begin Wrapper Table that Replaces <span> element -->
<table id="messageTemplate1" class="message cwjdsjcs_editable">
<td class="cwjdsjcs_not_editable" contenteditable="false">
<td id="cwjdsjcs_editable_id">
I really think I can do this!
<tr class="cwjdsjcs_not_editable" contenteditable="false">
<td colspan="2">
<!-- Begin Original Content -->
<table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px; display:none;">
<tr class="hide">
Application sent by <strong><a href="http://www.globalcastingcenter.com/talent/jack-bolton">Matt Faro</a></strong> for Audition: <a href="http://www.globalcastingcenter.com:80/CustomContentRetrieve.aspx?ID=4185493">Actors Needed</a>
<tr class="hide">
Reply to applicant directly: mantas@mantas.co or visit full profile: http://www.globalcastingcenter.com/talent/jack-bolton
<table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px; display:none;">
<tr class="hide">
<td><strong>Short Profile Summary:</strong></td>
<table class="hide" style="font-size: 12px; display:none;">
<tr class="hide">
<a href="http://www.globalcastingcenter.com/talent/jack-bolton"><img alt="" src="http://globalcastingcenter.com/talent_images/4164035_258551_foto.png?Action=thumbnail&Width=144&Height=215" /></a>
<table style="font-size: 12px; display:none;" class="hide">
<tr class="hide">
<tr class="hide">
<tr class="hide">
<!-- End Original Content -->
<!-- End Wrapper Table that Replaces <span> element -->
Here's the plugin code, it's called "cwjdsjcsconfineselection".
To add the plugin:
Create a folder called "cwjdsjcsconfineselection" in the plugins directory: ckeditor/plugins/
Create a file called "plugins.js" in that directory and paste the code below into that file. My mistake: file is named plugin.js, not plugin(s).js.
If you already have extra plugins, add "cwjdsjcsconfineselection" to the extraPlugins config setting, otherwise add this setting to your configuration:
config.extraPlugins = 'cwjdsjcsconfineselection';
The plugin should work the next time you load the editor.
For my situation, I have a dialog box appear when the user clicks in a non-editable area to explain why the cursor was moved back to the previous selection. That doesn't seem necessary for your usage, so I commented it out.
Plugin that prevents editing of elements with the "non-editable" class as well as elements outside of blocks with "editable" class.
//* ************************** NOTES *************************** NOTES ****************************
The "lastSelectedElement" variable is used to store the last element selected.
This plugin uses the "elementspath" plugin which shows all elements in the DOM
parent tree relative to the current selection in the editing area.
When the selection changes, "elementsPathUpdate" is fired,
we key on this and loop through the elements in the tree checking the classes assigned to each element.
Three outcomes are possible.
1) The non-editable class is found:
Looping stops, the current action is cancelled and the cursor is moved to the previous selection.
The "selectionChange" hook is fired to set the reverted selection throughout the instance.
2) The editable class is found during looping, the "in_editable_area" flag is set to true.
3) Neither the editable or the non-editable classes are found (user clicked outside your main container).
The "in_editable_area" flag remains set to false.
If the "in_editable_area" flag is false, the current action is cancelled and the cursor is moved to the previous location.
The "selectionChange" hook is fired to set the reverted selection throughout the instance.
If the "in_editable_area" flag is true,
the "lastSelectedElement" is updated to the currently selected element and the plugin returns true.
If you don't want the elements path to be displayed at the bottom of the editor window,
you can hide it with CSS rather than disabling the "elementspath" plugin.
The elementspath plugin creates and is left active because we are keying on changes to the path in our plugin.
visibility: hidden !important;
CSS Classes and ID that the plugin keys on. Use defaults or update variables to use your preferred classes and ID:
var starting_element_id = ID of known editable element that always occurs in the instance.
Don't use elements like <table>, <tr>, <br /> that don't contain HTML text.
Default value = cwjdsjcs_editable_id
var editable_class = class of editable containers.
Should be applied to all top level elements that contain editable elements.
Default = cwjdsjcs_editable
var non_editable_class = class of non-editable elements within editable containers
Apply to elements where all child elements are non-editable.
Default = cwjdsjcs_not_editable
//* ************************** END NOTES *************************** END NOTES ****************************
// Register the plugin with the editor.
// http://docs.cksource.com/ckeditor_api/symbols/CKEDITOR.plugins.html
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'cwjdsjcsconfineselection',
requires : [ 'elementspath' ],
// The plugin initialization logic goes inside this method.
// http://docs.cksource.com/ckeditor_api/symbols/CKEDITOR.pluginDefinition.html#init
init: function( editor )
editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( instance_ready_data )
// Create variable that will hold the last allowed selection (for use when a non-editable selection is made)
var lastSelectedElement;
editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated = false;
// This section starts things off right by selecting a known editable element.
// *** Enter the ID of the element that should have initial focus *** IMPORTANT *** IMPORTANT ***
var starting_element_id = "cwjdsjcs_editable_id";
var resInitialRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
resInitialRange.selectNodeContents( editor.document.getById( starting_element_id ) );
var selectionObject = new CKEDITOR.dom.selection( editor.document );
selectionObject.selectRanges( [ resInitialRange ] );
var sel = editor.getSelection();
var firstElement = sel.getStartElement();
var currentPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( firstElement );
// Set path for known editable element, fire "selectionChange" hook to update selection throughout instance.
editor._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath;
editor.fire( 'selectionChange', { selection : sel, path : currentPath, element : firstElement } );
}); // *** END - editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( e )
// When a new element is selected by the user, check if it's ok for them to edit it,
// if not move cursor back to last know editable selection
editor.on( 'elementsPathUpdate', function( resPath )
// When we fire the "selectionChange" hook at the end of this code block, the "elementsPathUpdate" hook fires.
// No need to check because we just updated the selection, so bypass processing.
if( editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated == true )
editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated = false;
return true;
var elementsList = editor._.elementsPath.list;
var in_editable_area = false;
var non_editable_class = "cwjdsjcs_not_editable";
var editable_class = "cwjdsjcs_editable";
for(var w=0;w<elementsList.length;w++){
var currentElement = elementsList[w];
// Sometimes a non content element is selected, catch them and return selection to editable area.
if(w == 0)
// Could change to switch.
if( currentElement.getName() == "tbody" )
in_editable_area = false;
if( currentElement.getName() == "tr" )
in_editable_area = false;
// If selection is inside a non-editable element, break from loop and reset selection.
if( currentElement.hasClass(non_editable_class) )
in_editable_area = false;
if( currentElement.hasClass(editable_class) ) {
in_editable_area = true;
// if selection is within an editable element, exit the plugin, otherwise reset selection.
if( in_editable_area ) {
lastSelectedElement = elementsList[0];
return true;
var resRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
resRange.selectNodeContents( lastSelectedElement );
editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ resRange ] );
// Open dialog window:
// It tells user they selected a non-editable area and cursor has been returned to previous selection
// currentEditorName = editor.name;
// openResDefaultDialog(currentEditorName);
var sel = editor.getSelection();
var firstElement = sel.getStartElement();
var currentPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( firstElement );
editor.cwjdsjcs_just_updated = true;
editor._.selectionPreviousPath = currentPath;
editor.fire( 'selectionChange', { selection : sel, path : currentPath, element : firstElement } );
catch (e)
} // *** END - init: function( editor )
}); // ************************************************************************************* END - CKEDITOR.plugins.add
To test that the plugin is loaded add an alert after the instance ready trigger:
editor.on( 'instanceReady', function( instance_ready_data )
To test that the plugin is being triggered when the selection changes, add an alert after the elementsPathUpdate trigger:
editor.on( 'elementsPathUpdate', function( resPath )
这篇关于如何阻止编辑 CKEDITOR textarea 中的某些部分内容?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!