

我正在寻找适用于 Windows 内核环境的测试框架.到目前为止,我已经找到了 cfix.有人试过吗?有替代品吗?

I'm looking for a testing framework for the Windows kernel environment. So far, I've found cfix. Has any one tried it? Are there alternatives?


作为 cfix 的作者,我在这里可能有点偏见——但事实上,我目前不知道任何其他单元测试NT内核模式的框架.

Being the author of cfix, I might be a little biased here -- but as a matter of fact, I am currently not aware of any other unit-testing framework for NT kernel mode.

如果您在使用 cfix 时遇到任何问题,请随时与我联系.

If you should experience any problems with cfix, feel free to contact me.


07-19 00:14