


env.addSource(kafkaConsumer, name_source)
            .keyBy { value -> value.f0 }


The keys are guaranteed to be unique in the data that is being currently processed.Thus I would expect the state size to not grow over 2 seconds of data.


However, I notice the state size has been steadily growing over the last day (since the app was deployed).


Is this a bug in flink?

在AWS Kinesis数据分析中使用flink 1.11.2.

using flink 1.11.2 in aws kinesis data analytics.


Kinesis Data Analytics始终使用RocksDB作为其状态后端.使用RocksDB,不会立即清除死状态,只是用墓碑标记它,然后将其压缩.我不确定KDA如何配置RocksDB压缩,但是通常是在级别达到一定大小时完成的-我怀疑您的状态大小仍然足够小以至于没有进行压缩.

Kinesis Data Analytics always uses RocksDB as its state backend. With RocksDB, dead state isn't immediately cleaned up, it's merely marked with a tombstone and is later compacted away. I'm not sure how KDA configures RocksDB compaction, but typically it's done when a level reaches a certain size -- and I suspect your state size is still small enough that compaction hasn't occurred.


With incremental checkpoints (which is what KDA does), checkpointing is done by copying RocksDB's SST files -- which in your case are presumably full of stale data. If you let this run long enough you should eventually see a significant drop in checkpoint size, once compaction has been done.


10-14 05:03