本文介绍了从 URL 下载图像?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 HTTP::get 从我创建的 URL 下载 Google 图表的图像.

I am trying to use HTTP::get to download an image of a Google chart from a URL I created.


failures_url  = [title, type, data, size, colors, labels].join("&")

require 'net/http'

Net::HTTP.start("http://chart.googleapis.com") { |http|
  resp = http.get("/chart?#{failures_url")
  open("pie.png" ,"wb") { |file|

只生成一个空的 PNG 文件.

Which produced only an empty PNG file.

对于我的第二次尝试,我使用了 http.get() 调用中存储在 failure_url 中的值.

For my second attempt I used the value stored inside failure_url inside the http.get() call.

require 'net/http'

Net::HTTP.start("http://chart.googleapis.com") { |http|
  resp = http.get("/chart?chtt=Builds+in+the+last+12+months&cht=bvg&chd=t:296,1058,1217,1615,1200,611,2055,1663,1746,1950,2044,2781,1553&chs=800x375&chco=4466AA&chxl=0:|Jul-2010|Aug-2010|Sep-2010|Oct-2010|Nov-2010|Dec-2010|Jan-2011|Feb-2011|Mar-2011|Apr-2011|May-2011|Jun-2011|Jul-2011|2:|Months|3:|Builds&chxt=x,y,x,y&chg=0,6.6666666666666666666666666666667,5,5,0,0&chxp=3,50|2,50&chbh=23,5,30&chxr=1,0,3000&chds=0,3000")
  open("pie.png" ,"wb") { |file|

而且,出于某种原因,即使第一次尝试在 http.get() 调用中具有相同的数据,该版本仍然有效.有谁知道这是为什么?

And, for some reason, this version works even though the first attempt had the same data inside the http.get() call. Does anyone know why this is?


在试图弄清楚为什么会发生这种情况后,我发现如何通过 HTTP 下载二进制文件?".

After trying to figure why this is happening I found "How do I download a binary file over HTTP?".

其中一条评论提到在 Net::HTTP.start(...) 调用中删除 http:// 否则它不会成功.在我这样做之后果然:

One of the comments mentions removing http:// in the Net::HTTP.start(...) call otherwise it won't succeed. Sure enough after I did this:

failures_url  = [title, type, data, size, colors, labels].join("&")

require 'net/http'

Net::HTTP.start("chart.googleapis.com") { |http|
  resp = http.get("/chart?#{failures_url")
  open("pie.png" ,"wb") { |file|



我会使用 Ruby 的 打开::URI:

I'd go after the file using Ruby's Open::URI:

require "open-uri"

File.open('pie.png', 'wb') do |fo|
  fo.write open("http://chart.googleapis.com/chart?#{failures_url}").read

我更喜欢 Open::URI 的原因是它自动处理重定向,因此当 Google 对其后端进行更改并尝试重定向 URL 时,代码会神奇地处理它.如果我没记错的话,它还可以更优雅地处理超时和重试.

The reason I prefer Open::URI is it handles redirects automatically, so WHEN Google makes a change to their back-end and tries to redirect the URL, the code will handle it magically. It also handles timeouts and retries more gracefully if I remember right.

如果您必须拥有较低级别的控制权,那么我会查看许多其他用于 Ruby 的 HTTP 客户端之一;Net::HTTP 适用于创建新服务或客户端不存在时,但我会使用 Open::URI 或 Net::HTTP 以外的其他东西,直到需要出现为止.

If you must have lower level control then I'd look at one of the many other HTTP clients for Ruby; Net::HTTP is fine for creating new services or when a client doesn't exist, but I'd use Open::URI or something besides Net::HTTP until the need presents itself.



让 URI 不安.我怀疑它看到了应该在 URL 中编码的字符.

makes URI upset. I suspect it is seeing characters that should be encoded in URLs.

出于文档目的,以下是 URI 在尝试按原样解析该 URL 时所说的内容:

For documentation purposes, here is what URI says when trying to parse that URL as-is:

URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?)

如果我先对 URI 进行编码,我会成功解析.使用 Open::URI 进一步测试表明它能够在此时检索文档并返回 23701 字节.

If I encode the URI first, I get a successful parse. Testing further using Open::URI shows it is able to retrieve the document at that point and returns 23701 bytes.

我认为如果其中一些字符确实不为 URI 所接受,并且它们不在 RFC 中,我认为这是解决问题的适当方法.

I think that is the appropriate fix for the problem if some of those characters are truly not acceptable to URI AND they are out of the RFC.

仅供参考,Addressable::URI gem 是内置 URI 的绝佳替代品.

Just for information, the Addressable::URI gem is a great replacement for the built-in URI.

这篇关于从 URL 下载图像?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-03 20:51