


cat dog fish dog fish cat

你想用狗替换所有 ,所有,以及所有使用。直观地说,预期结果:

You want to replace all cats with dogs, all dogs with fish, and all fish with cats. Intuitively, the expected result:

dog fish cat fish cat dog

如果你尝试使用 replaceAll()循环显而易见的解决方案,你得到:

If you try the obvious solution, looping through with replaceAll(), you get:

  1. (原创)猫狗鱼狗鱼猫

  2. (猫 - >狗)狗狗鱼狗鱼狗

  3. (狗 - >鱼)鱼鱼鱼鱼鱼鱼

  4. (鱼 - >猫)猫猫猫猫猫

  1. (original) cat dog fish dog fish cat
  2. (cat -> dog) dog dog fish dog fish dog
  3. (dog -> fish) fish fish fish fish fish fish
  4. (fish -> cat) cat cat cat cat cat cat

显然,这不是预期的结果。那么最简单的方法是什么?我可以用 Pattern Matcher (还有很多 Pattern.quote)来拼凑一些东西( ) Matcher.quoteReplacement()),但我拒绝相信我是第一个遇到此问题且没有库函数的人解决这个问题。

Clearly, this is not the intended result. So what's the simplest way to do this? I can cobble something together with Pattern and Matcher (and a lot of Pattern.quote() and Matcher.quoteReplacement()), but I refuse to believe I'm the first person to have this problem and there's no library function to solve it.


(FWIW, the actual case is a bit more complicated and doesn't involve straight swaps.)



It seems StringUtils.replaceEach in apache commons does what you want:

StringUtils.replaceEach("abcdeab", new String[]{"ab", "cd"}, new String[]{"cd", "ab"});
// returns "cdabecd"


Note that the documenent at the above links seems to be in error. See comments below for details.


10-19 20:52