

我的环境:Linux Redhat,Bash 3.5

My environment: Linux Redhat, Bash 3.5


I have created a bash script to list all of files in sub directories using script below.

for i in $( find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d ); do
    b=$(echo $i | awk '{print substr($1,3); }' )
    find $i -type f > $i/$b.txt


I want to add sha1sum to my script, I've edit it as shown below.

for i in $( find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d ); do
    b=$(echo $i | awk '{print substr($1,3); }' )
    find $i -type f ! -iname '*thumbs.db*' -printf "%b:" -exec sha1sum -b {} \; > ./$i/$b.txt


The second code is failed with error below

No such file or directory



Since you don't specify in what way your attempt failed [See note 1, below], I've just provided some thoughts about how to solve the underlying question of producing lists of checksums for each directory.


Your use of find is both unnecessary and unsafe (if there are any directories whose names include whitespace or shell metacharacters.


$( find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d )


is roughly the same as the "glob"


,除了glob不在单个目录上执行路径名扩展或单词拆分外.此外,您可以使用glob */,它将避免使用您显然不希望使用的./前缀.

except that the glob does not perform pathname expansion or word-splitting on the individual directories. Furthermore, you could use the glob */, which will avoid the ./ prefix, which you evidently don't want.

b=$(echo $i | awk '{print substr($1,3); }' )


b=${i:3}   # Bash substring notation

b=${i#./}  # Posix standard prefix deletion


But, as noted above, you could use a glob and thereby avoid any having to remove the prefix.


for b in */; do
    find "$b" -type f > "$b/$b.txt"


Note the quotes around the variable expansions. If you really need the %b format to print filenames, then you definitely need to quote the expansions to avoid problems with whitespace and shell metacharacters, but anyway you should develop the a habit of quoting variable expansions.

这会产生与脚本稍有不同的输出,因为它不会将./放在输出文件中每一行的开头,但是如果您确实希望可以使用find "./$b" ....

That will produce a slightly different output than your script since it doesn't place the ./ at the beginning of each line in the output file, but if you really wanted that you could use find "./$b" ....


I don't understand why you feel the need to use printf to output the filename for the SHA-1 checksums, because sha1sum already prints the filename. It's true that it does so after the checksum instead of before. There is actually a good reason for that behaviour: since there is no way of knowing what characters the filename might include, putting the checksum first makes it easier to parse the output.


Note that in the output of sha1sum, the output for each file whose name includes a backslash or newline, the checksum line will start with a backslash and the backslash and newline characters in the filename will be escaped. This produces an effect somewhat similar to that of using the %b format to printf.


If you really want to turn the order around, you can do so easily enough with awk:

for b in */; do
    find "$b" -type f '!' -iname '*thumbs.db*' -exec sha1sum {} + |
    awk '{print "$2:$1"}' > "$b/$b.txt"


Using + instead of ; to terminate the -exec option lets find execute the command with a list of filenames instead of just a single filename, which is much more efficient.

  1. 请参阅堆栈溢出帮助页面,我引述如下:


"It doesn't work" is not a "specific problem or error". You should always include the literal text of the error message or a clear statement of how the result of the program failed to meet your expectations.


08-29 07:56