

我帮助在线上一个论坛,在这个论坛上我们限制签名的大小。目前我通过我写的简单的Greasemonkey脚本来测试这个脚本。我们使用< div> 包装所有签名,脚本会查找它们,然后测量div的高度和宽度。

I help moderate a forum online, and on this forum we restrict the size of signatures. At the moment we test this via a simple Greasemonkey script I wrote; we wrap all signatures with a <div>, the script looks for them, and then measures the div's height and width.


All the script does right now is make sure the signature resides in a particular height/width. I would like to start measuring the file size of the images inside of a signature automatically so that the script can automatically flag users who are including huge images in their signature. However, I can't seem to find a way to measure the size of images loaded on the page. I've searched and found a property special to IE (element.fileSize) but I obviously can't use that in my Greasemonkey script.


Is there a way to find out the file size of an image in Firefox via JavaScript?


People are misinterpreting the problem. The forums themselves do not host images; we host the BBCode that people enter as their signature. So, for example, people enter this:

This is my signature, check out my [url=http://google.com]awesome website[/url]!
This image is cool!  [img]http://image.gif[/img]


I want to be able to check on these images via Greasemonkey. I could write a batch script to scan all of these instead, but I'm just wondering if there's a way to augment my current script.




Also, Check on jGuru How can you check the file size from JavaScript in a form with an input type of file?


You will find some important points

(Javascript / VBScript),甚至applet和ActiveX控件从本地硬盘读取
函数通过JavaScript / VBScript公开来返回文件大小。但是如果您需要找到文件大小

Reason: The browser security does not allow the scripts (Javascript/VBScript) or even applets and ActiveX Controls to read files from the local hard disk. You can only read files if your code is signed by some Certificate Authority (CA). Now the input type "FILE" also does not have the permission to read files. We cannot do anything about that since thats what HTML says. So since it cannot read files, it cannot find the size of the file with which the input tag is associated. Since it cannot find the file size, there is no function exposed by JavaScript/VBScript to return the file size. But if you need to find the file size, say in order to restrict the size of the file uploaded to your web-server. Then you can do so by counting the file contents on the server-side, once the user submits it to the server. Thats what many of the free e-mail providers like www.hotmail.com do.


07-29 22:44