标记降序排序)以及是否有任何可以更改为设置的设置。< o:p>< / o:p> < o:p> < / o:p> 谢谢。< o:p>< / o:p> Ka 解决方案 嗨Ka, 感谢您在此发布。 与处于关闭状态的用户故事项目一样,它们将全部显示在董事会无论何时关闭。 您可以使用条件功能标记30天前关闭的用户故事,使用其他颜色/样式来区分它们。但它不支持将它们从主板上删除。 Hi, <o:p></o:p>I am looking for criteria on which a closed work item falls off a board ( EG: stories board) in TFS ?<o:p></o:p>Scenario :<o:p></o:p>Lets say I have 25 user stories closed. I would like to know if they fall automatically off after set period of time (30 days) or based on number of user stories in closed lane ( max closed user stories : 20 to be displayed based on closed timestamp descending order) and if there are any settings that can be changed to alter.<o:p></o:p><o:p> </o:p>Thank you.<o:p></o:p>Ka 解决方案 Hi Ka,Thank you for posting here.Like those User Stories items at the Closed state, they will all be shown at the Board no matter when it closed.You could use criteria feature to mark those user stories which are closed 30 days ago using another color/style to distinguish them. But it doesn't support to remove them from the board. 这篇关于TFS板显示工作项的标准的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 1403页,肝出来的..
09-07 20:13