我尝试实现Microsoft Bing语音api及其前5次正常工作,此后,当我录制自己的声音时,控制台出现异常.异常:未捕获的DOMException:无法构造"AudioContext":提供的硬件上下文的数量(6)大于或等于最大限制(6).
i am trying to implement microsoft bing speech api and its working fine for the first 5 times after that when i record my voice i getting exception in console .Exception : Uncaught DOMException: Failed to construct 'AudioContext': The number of hardware contexts provided (6) is greater than or equal to the maximum bound (6).
当我尝试使用AudioContext.close()关闭时,它显示另一个错误,例如未捕获(承诺)DOMException:无法关闭正在关闭或已经关闭的上下文". 谁知道这是什么错误.我正在使用Microsoft bing语音的语音1.0.0 js sdk.
when i try to close with AudioContext.close() it shows another error like "Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Cannot close a context that is being closed or has already been closed." Anybody know whats the error is this . i am using speech 1.0.0 js sdk of microsoft bing speech .
I have a solution to resolve this problem, i just closed the audio context when the recording stops and its working fine for me :)
here is the edited speech.js stop method :`
Speech.prototype.stop = function () {
if (this._currentSource) {
// context will be closed here
this.context.close(); // new added code for the continues context creation (To avoid DoM exception)