我怀疑Windows更新导致了这种情况,因为这段代码 在很长一段时间内都没有改变。任何人都可以确认是否有任何Windows更新会导致这种情况吗?也许某些浏览器 安全设置已经改变了,或者其他什么? 这不是一个大问题,因为我已经有了自己的封闭标志检查 因为window.closed在IE5中不可靠,所以我可以完全使用window.closed停止 。我希望能够解释这个错误的突然出现,但是.. 谢谢, Alistair。 Morning All, I have some code for a website which uses ''window.open'' to simulate modal dialog boxes. I use the window.closed property to decide if the window object exists at various points. This has been fine until last week when I started getting javascript ''Permission Denied'' errors when I try to access this property. I suspect that a windows update has caused this somehow, as this code has not changed for a very long time. Can anyone confirm if there have been any windows updates that would cause this? Maybe some browser security settings have subtely changed, or something? Its not a huge problem, as I already had my own ''closed'' flag to check as window.closed was not reliable in IE5 anyway, so I may just stop using window.closed entirely. I would like to be abel to explain the sudden appearance of the error, though.. Thanks, Alistair. 大家好, 我的申请中遇到同样的问题。如果你工作,请告诉我 auornd some来解决IE问题。 我们在我们的应用程序中使用以下代码 - 函数_closeStatusWindow() { if(g_statusWindow&&!g_statusWindow.closed) g_statusWindow.close(); } 感谢Advanace, Ramesh Hi All, I am having same problem in my application. Please let me if you workauornd some to approach to fix the IE Issue. We are using folllowing code in our application -function _closeStatusWindow(){if(g_statusWindow && !g_statusWindow.closed)g_statusWindow.close();} Thanks in Advanace,Ramesh 这篇关于访问window.closed时拒绝权限的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-20 01:12